Recently, while I was traveling through the Atlanta airport, I was heading up a long escalator, so I struck up a conversation with the man in front of me. As we were talking, he mentioned that he was from Salt Lake City. He went to college in Utah and lived in Salt...
It is the month of November again: the month where we here in America celebrate our Thanksgiving to God holiday. For many of us, it is a great time to get together with family and friends, and to travel to see some relatives we don’t get to see often. We have...
Have you ever double dipped before? Sometimes we think of a double dip as a second scoop of ice cream. Now that’s a good double dip! But, I have a different meaning for the term. The term to me means the second place that you go witnessing in one day. So you...
Recently, I was reading an article about one of the current churches in America called Granger Community Church. It is a church in Indiana that is considered to be a seeker sensitive church. It has been listed as one of the top ten most influential churches in...
There just seems to be so much going on in our world today. The Olympic Games are about to start up again; the political conventions will be starting soon, etc. Didn’t we just have the Olympic Games? Didn’t America just vote for a President? Time seems to...
This month we are going to do something a little bit different. I am going to share with you some of your stories from what has happened out there on the frontlines. They have encouraged and challenged me, and I hope they do the same with you! Erick and I have been...