We got this really neat email the other day at the ministry. God can use some unexpected things for our good!
Dear Mr. Cahill,
I have to say that I am completely changed after reading your amazing book, One Heartbeat Away. It is so enlightening.  I could not put it down. I cried and laughed and completely changed and got the chills many, many times as I read. I’ve just reached the point in the book where you tell us to let you know about the decision we’ve made. I’ve decided to follow Christ, my Savior. I’ve had questions, and you’ve answered them for me. It is truly an honor to be able to write you and share with you that I have devoted my life to Christ!
To be completely honest, I had a mishap and ended up in jail for a night and was given this book to read. Talk about a divine appointment! I’m so glad I was in jail that night so I could receive this book!
I’ve since made a public post on my Facebook page about how your book changed me and how it enlightened me and moved me so much closer to God! I want to show everyone Jesus’ amazing light. I promise, since the day I began reading your book, I’ve done nothing but tell everyone I love about it and how much they need to read it. I have told many friends and many family members and even the people I work with! I even posted the link on my Facebook post so people could purchase your book.
I really want to tell people my story so I can help lead them to Christ, as He commands me to do. I’ve always known that Jesus Christ died not only for my sins, but for everyone’s sins, but the truth never really settled in my heart as hard as it did after reading your book. I’ve just always had questions. Many of the people I’ve talked with about God have questions, too.
I’ve decided I want to do missionary trips and speak to little kids and people everywhere as I get stronger in my faith. Please pray for me in my journey to eternity, as I know it will be hard at times and easy at others.
We serve an amazing God. Thank you for writing this book. It has truly changed my life. Again, thank you so much, Mr. Mark Cahill. You are truly an inspiration!
     It is pretty obvious that your favorite book to giveaway is One Heartbeat Away. The testimonies we have received at the ministry over the years from this book have really been astonishing. We have heard from Atheists, Muslims, Catholic Priests, WWII Veterans, Prisoners, and so many others who have read it and been saved. Praise ye the Lord!!
    There are now over 880,000 copies of this book somewhere around the world! That is literally crazy. I remember when it didn’t even exist!
    So let’s have some fun this month and help you to continue to bless others with this book. The suggested donation for a bundle of One Heartbeat Away has been moved down to $80, which is the lowest we have ever offered this book! And the suggested donation for a case of them is now $200.
    This is a good chance for you and/or your church to stock up to be ready to plant seed after seed after seed with as many lost people as possible.
BUNDLES 18 books $80.00 |
CASES 44 books $200.00 |
Until the Nets are Full,
P.S. Opportunities everywhere!!