One of the fun ways God uses the materials from this ministry is to reach prisoners. As I was writing the books we offer, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think they would wind up in prisons. Literally, one of the more fruitful aspects of what goes on here at Mark Cahill Ministries is what takes place behind the bars. Check out this letter we received from a prisoner recently:
Wow! All I can say is, “Thank you. I went to church tonight, and one of the clerks came up to me and said I had mail. He told me it was a package from Mark Cahill Ministries. All of a sudden, I got goose bumps in anticipation of what I was about to receive. I had just finished reading Reunion and The Last Ride. I believe I have read all of your books that they have available here. I had been looking for One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven, but I was told they don’t have that one here.
I hope you will keep me on your mailing list, just in case you mail me anything else. Please do! I’m not greedy, and I am thankful for what I have already received. I am slaving through. I am starving for knowledge, and your books are just filled with all of kinds of it. I can’t get enough of reading them.
Your package is way more than I was expecting. Eventually, I will have the whole Mark Cahill collection. Okay, maybe I am being greedy. It’s in a good way, though…I think. Ever since I read Paradise, I haven’t been able to get enough of your books. Trust me, I constantly brag and recommend your book to others.
Daniel M.
After reading prison letters like this one, it makes all the ministry work worth it. Thanks for the donations you send that help us to get these materials to prisoners and chaplains. Everything we send to them is donated from the ministry, so they never have to pay for anything they receive. As you can see, God uses these materials! We receive so many neat letters from those who are incarcerated. They may have been forgotten by society, but they are not forgotten by the Lord.
Hebrews 13:3
Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
You can also send books to those in jail from the website. Just put their prison ID number on the order. Typically, we can send two books to them at a time.
Are you ready to worship before the throne of God with a lot ex-inmates for eternity? I am telling you, it is going to be a blast!!
Until the nets are full,