
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Rise and Shine

Jul 7, 2020


How do you wake up in the morning? An alarm clock? An alarm clock that plays the sound of ocean waves rolling in? A nice cup of coffee or green tea?

Well, Walt listens to our MP3s to get himself going for the day!

“We listen to your CD’s while we are driving. What a blessing. Every human being should get to hear One Heartbeat Away.” 

Two of my friends in Texas, Jose and Richard, are great soul winners for the Lord. They sent me this video recently. The guy they are watching typically puts me to sleep, but I guess others have a different opinion!



The days are running short. People are walking off into eternity. What are you doing to point them to the cross so they will have a successful journey to the other side?

Until the Nets are Full,


P.S. We received this neat piece of feedback about these books, which you can listen to on MP3s. God is using Connie and can use you to make a difference in the lives of those around you as well.

I met you back a few years ago in Indiana at a church. It was amazing. I got your book One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven. After I got done with it, I passed it on to someone else. I found another copy and have gone through it a second time. So powerful. I also got One Heartbeat Away. I really want to get some more of them to give out. This virus has really changed my life. It has shown me the things that I needed to give to God and what to leave in the past and how to move toward. I wasn’t going to go anywhere until I gave it all to him. And this virus that we have going on right now, God has used it to help me witness to my big boss at work and one other boss three times. She has been totally against Christ in the past. She would just walk away if I brought it up. I can’t wait to see want He is going to do next. Well. better go for now before I write a book.                                      

—Connie M.

P.P.S. If you like to listening in the car, around the house, or when you have some down time, here’s something great for you to listen to and great for you to give away to others. Our MP3s are on special, two for the price of one. Check it out by clicking on the link below.


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