
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

What Really Matters

Jun 28, 2024

You know, it is always nice to walk into a Laundromat and see someone reading one of your books!

Tarneshia had been gone from the Laundromat for a while. When I saw her there again, she let me know that she had been in the hospital for a week. Can you imagine already having a pacemaker in your forties?

I’ve been finding great success with witnessing at Laundromats. I hit seven of them yesterday. They provide good opportunities to plant seeds with the lost, encourage the saved, and give a blessing to someone who needs it.

It is always a blast to encourage Christians to be much bolder in sharing their faith.

And this gentleman below took a picture of the back of the tract I gave him, and his phone was reading it to him in Burmese! I am not a big fan of technology, but this would be the proper way to use it.

I had a great talk with Geri and Giavonna. Mothers and daughters are always a fun combination to chat with. But as we were talking, Geri let me know that Giavonna’s father had died the day before. They tried to call him, but found out he died in his sleep at 42 years of age. He was unresponsive when someone tried to wake him. Not a fun day to see a young lady cry in a Laundromat. She loved her daddy, and that is a great thing. I’ve run into too many people who don’t even know their father.

But, of course, this led to a great conversation about what really matters, and it is not politics, sports, money, or laundry. Jesus is what this life is all about.

I gave Geri and Giavonna the Bible verse below about the appointment we all have with that day, and it really resonated with them. Let it resonate with you as well.

Hebrews 9:27

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Your day is coming. My day is coming. It’s inevitable that we are going to die. But the good news for believers is that we welcome that day! The sooner it arrives, the better! We need to live and act in view of that day, which can come unexpectedly.

Until the nets are full,

P.S.It’s pretty amazing to think that we can give someone the gospel in their language, just through a picture and an app. That means you can reach anyone who speaks another language by using an image translator. Look for image translators in your app store. Also, look for voice translators that instantly translate your voice into another language on the spot.

P.P.S. I was chatting with an 83-year-old friend. She said that she told her pastor, “Make sure you have things for me to do because I am going to burn out for Jesus and not rust out for Jesus. And you will never see me sitting in a rocking chair.”

     She then told me that not one single person that ever comes over to her house to visit or to work on things ever leaves without hearing the gospel and getting a book. Hmmm. Does Nancy know something that we should all know?

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