
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Will God Impeach America?

Sep 28, 2024

Some people just have a way about them when they speak. They have great communicative skills. I put Adrian Rogers in that category. His cadence, his tone of voice, his stories, his passion, his love for Jesus, and his love for God’s holy Word always shine through. I could listen to him all day. 

I was listening to this talk, and it got my wheels spinning. Amazingly, he gave this talk probably two decades ago!

Remember, whenever we recommend a video, an article, or quote someone, you must always QEQE: “Question Everything, and Question Everybody.” Test everything against the Word of God to see if it stands up to what God teaches.



Psalm 9:17

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Until the nets are full,

P.S.  Be careful where you get your news.


P.P.S. Don’t you just want to be left alone sometimes? Well, there is a group out there who is not going to let you be left alone to your ideas and thoughts. It is time to fight for what you and your family believe. And, by the way, isn’t it time to fight for souls as well?


P.P.P.S.  People from all walks of life email us with their stories. Beverly is at the very end of her life and you can see that she’s kept her heart for the Lord up until the very end.

This is Beverly.  I have been sharing the tracts in the independent living complex where I live. I am almost 96 (on Nov. 5).  I was re-reading The Second Greatest Lie and it struck me that our Bible study class could benefit from reading this tract. There are 10-12 of us, depending….   I find I have to read and remember.  Memory not as sharp as it once was but still trying. LOL!


Beverly R.

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