
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Wasted Years – 2024

May 28, 2024

This poem was sent to us by a friend of the ministry. Young people will be challenged to not waste their lives, and older people will be spurred on to finish the race of faith strong for the Lord. It’s a good reminder to be watchful over how we are using our time on earth.

Wasted Years

by: Tom Kesting

I looked upon an old dilapidated house
I once had owned. . .
The windows were boarded up
and the yard was over grown.

This was the house where the children grew
and where we had lived for years. . .
And now everything was broken down
and memories made me brush away the tears.

When I looked upon my soul one day
I found that it too had grown. . .
There were thorns and nettles every where
because of the seeds of neglect I had sown.

Many years had passed
while I cared for things of lesser worth. . .
Those things of heaven I let go
while minding the things of earth.

I then turned to Jesus with bitter tears
and cried, “O Lord, forgive!”. . .
I haven’t much time left for Thee,
not many years to live.

Those are wasted years forever gone
and many days I can’t recall. . .
But if I could live those days again,
I’d make You Lord of all.


The Bible tells us to pay careful attention to the instruction of the Word so we will know how to live for the Lord with the life He’s given us:

Psalm 90:12

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Until the nets are full,


P.S. In case you missed it, you might want to check out our new video, Eternal Truth. You can watch it or listen to it by clicking on the links below. Pass it around to others to encourage and equip them with truths for reaching the lost!

Video message 


Audio message

https://markcahill.org/wp-content/uploads/Eternal Truth (2).mp3

P.P.S. Since you folks have enjoyed this sale so much and are giving them away to those you think need to be witnessing more, we have extended the sale for a few more days. Thank you!


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