
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

The Price on the Streets

Mar 29, 2022


Is it just me or are the prices of everything going up, up, and away these days?! What an amazing time to be alive. It’s fascinating to think about where prices were a couple of years ago and where they are today. I found gas the other day at $3.99 per gallon and was so excited it was below $4.00! Wait. It was below $2.00 per gallon just a few years ago.

Paper prices are also going through the roof. The paper we use for books is up 14 percent with another increase coming. The paper we use for booklets is up 33 percent, and they let me know there is another price hike coming for it as well! And, of course, shipping is up with the cost of fuel heading to the moon and back.

What does all of this mean? It means we are NOT raising any of the prices for our products. That is what it means! As of right now, we will keep eating the increased costs we incur. We know that inflation is hitting everyone, and we are trying to keep prices as low as possible so that you can keep ordering and giving materials away.

So, what do I want to say? Thank you! Thanks for all of you who give for the products you order, and thank you for those of you who give for the shipping and handling as well. Your donations go a long way toward paying our bills and keeping the prices of our products stable. It also leaves us with some nickels leftover to bless others.

One other thing we do with our products is give them away to some prison ministries and to a missionary group that distributes them all across the world. Sometimes you wonder what happens with those books. Well, here you go. Enjoy this email, which helped to answer that question!!

I write to congratulate the author of the book titled ONE Heartbeat Away. Seriously, I bought this book in the garbage market of Ashaiman, a notorious city in Accra, Ghana.

It cost me an insignificant price in my currency. It was 2 Ghana cedis, which I can’t equate into dollars for you to appreciate.

I want you to be glad that it was sold at such a low price because I couldn’t have afforded it at its original cost. Truly, the gospel has been magnified through your book, to which I testify.

Although I am addicted to Christ and kingdom service, before I laid hold of your book, I had no such enlightenment as I have found in it to be able to minister Christ better than before, especially to my Muslim friends.

I have preached in public transports, markets squares, and car parks. I have written small pamphlets that I hand out, but the reply that most people give me is it’s garbage. Due to my financial challenges, most people laugh at me and scorn me and say, “Where is your God? You look so poor. Come join us, and you will be better off financially.” 

After years of prayers, fasting, and kingdom service and without any financial assistance, I relented from evangelism, though I was keeping the faith. But when I came to the conclusion of your book, I asked myself how the author of this powerful soul-winning book would feel to see all of his efforts lying in a garbage market somewhere in my country?

So, I gathered my resources together, and hit the road, once again, knowing well that I am not “in it” alone. My passion for soul winning is as a fire shut in my bones.

GOD BLESS YOU so much for being the friend I met in a garbage market when I needed one most.



This email is off the charts. Way off the charts! Can you imagine losing hope, finding a book for a couple of cents, and then your heart is lifted up to the skies? Wow, wow, wow. God is way too kind to every one of us and so very kind to have this email pop into my inbox this morning.

But, here is the real deal: it is you guys who are the ones that impacted Samuel’s life. It is your generosity that helps us continue to reach people like this. I don’t want to turn down those prison ministries or that missionary group when they need literature to put into their prison libraries or a shipping container to ship to another country on another continent. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to help get the gospel out. Thank you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Ephesians 5:20

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Until the Nets are Full,


P.S. To help further Samuel’s witnessing efforts and skills, we sent him a copy of One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven, which will help to stoke that fire in his bones to reach the lost!


You can get fired up to start conversations with the lost by picking up your own copy of One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven at the link below:



P.P.S.  These people are wicked. These people are evil. These people have no clue there is a Judgment Day that is fast approaching. Pray for their souls. Pray that someone in their inner circle gets saved and witnesses to them. Pray they will finally see the value of every human life that Almighty God has created.



Did you catch it? This psychopath, Yuval Noah Harari, is a leading advisor to Klaus Schwab, who is the founder of the World Economic Forum. And Bill Gates wants to reduce world population through health care and vaccines? Would you take advice from any of these men? What about from those who parrot their agenda?

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