Monday, we talked about the John Rich interview on the Tucker Carlson Network and how he was more focused on giving his rapture position than on giving the gospel. But regardless of which rapture position you hold, the gospel is the main message we want to give out to the lost.
Taking What to the Streets?
A gentleman got a hold of me and told me he had created a tract booklet about the rapture. He asked for my opinion about it. He let me know that he was going to print 1,500 of them and take them to the streets of Las Vegas to give away to folks.
I even ran this by a friend of mine who can talk about the rapture all day long, but even this person wouldn’t hand out those tracts. Why? Because lost people need Jesus! They need to know about sin, judgment, and the offer of God’s forgiveness. They don’t need to hear my view of the end times the first time we meet or the first time we talk. It doesn’t matter whether or not they will go through the tribulation because God’s judgment is what we need to escape.
So, I let Bob know that I would not hand out a tract like that on the streets of Vegas. Maybe one that covers fulfilled prophecies to show how the Bible is true, but certainly not one on the rapture. Well, part of one of his responses was, “Where is the LOVE, Mark?”
Okay, wait a minute. You asked for my opinion about something, and I gave you my opinion. We have differing opinions, and now I get put in the unloving category?!! I love this world!
Is that what people on the streets of Vegas need to hear? No. They need to hear about biblical salvation.
Discussing the End Times
A friend of mine has a lawyer who is not saved. My friend has even left some of his possessions to that guy. But he has also included in his will an explanation in case he and his family suddenly disappear. So, he is trying, one more time, to witness to his lawyer, even after he has gone to be with Jesus. But the rapture conversation came up with that attorney well after he had shared the gospel with him.
I once had a lady on a plane sitting next to me who was reading one of the “Left Behind” books. We started talking. I asked if she was a Christian. She told me she wasn’t and that she was Jewish! (I just knew it was going to be a fun flight.) I asked her why she was reading that book, and if I remember correctly, a friend had given it to her, and she was intrigued by it. So what did I do? I talked about what the book was talking about! Then, of course, of course, of course, I made the swing to the gospel and the Jewish Messiah.
Now, if someone brings the topic up, fine. Talk about it. Don’t shy away from those topics. But let them bring it up. There are more important things to talk about with a lost person than that.
Discussing Cosmology
I was chatting with Tony in a coffee shop one day, and he wanted to go grab something to eat. As we were eating, he brought up the topic of Flat Earth. No big deal. I have heard this before from others. A lot of college students, and even high school students, are looking into this subject. So, I began to pepper him with questions to see if he had thought his arguments through. It was a good discussion. He had actually done a lot of research and was trying to use both science and logic to prove his points.
I looked at him and said, “You are basically describing an environment where there is a firmament above us—a hard dome. And underneath that dome is a non-rotating plane. We know it isn’t flat because of things like mountains and trenches in the ocean. And you are saying that underneath that dome, the sun and the moon are much closer to us, and they are basically moving in a circuit while the plane of the earth is stationary.” He agreed with all of that.
So, I looked at him and said, “What you have basically described is a snow globe.” I asked if he knew what that was, and he did. I then let him know that he only needed to find out one thing next: Who made the snow globe?! He liked that. Then we made the move to the topics of how we know God is the Creator, sin, salvation, the cross, etc. Why? Because that information is what he really needs in order to be saved.
The next time I saw him in a coffee shop, I said, “Hey, Tony. Have you figured out who made the snow globe?” He smiled and said he has not come to a conclusion yet. But he has the critical information he needs to make the right eternal decision. So, that is why we keep planting seeds and giving people the eternal truth they need.
Winning but Losing
I was talking with a college professor one day. He told me that back when he was a college student, he talked with the head of the atheist group for an entire year about evolution versus creation. He loved the arguments. He loved trying to make his points. But, then, he said something that really made me think. He told me that, at the end of the year, he realized that he had never really shared the gospel with him. It came down to this: What if you win the argument but that soul dies and goes to hell for all of eternity?
Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe ANY of these issues are side issues—the rapture, biblical cosmology, creation versus evolution, etc. Why are they not side issues? Very simple: The Bible talks about them! And if Holy Writ discusses them, then they are important. But are they the most important things to be discussing with people today? That is the real question.
Focusing on the Main Thing
Did you know that all-cause mortality is way, way up in the U.S.? It is much higher in many other countries. Is it because of COVID, Fentanyl, vaccines, or cancer (there is now something they are calling “turbo cancers”)? I don’t know. But what I do know is that people are dying who need Jesus.
The Bible mentions the word “death” 346 times. Isn’t it something we should be talking about with lost souls?
The Bible mentions the word “judgment” 408 times. Isn’t it something we should be talking about with lost souls?
2 Corinthians 6:2
(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Today is the day of salvation for a lost person.
For 2,000 years, every person has faced death before seeing the rapture. The person who will die today will also not see the rapture.
Did you know that there will be people in heaven who held differing views on those four positions of the rapture?
Did you know that there will be people in heaven who held differing views on the cosmology of the creation we are living in?
Did you know that hell is filling up, day by day, with people because they were not born again before they died?
Did you know that in hell, someone’s view of the rapture or biblical cosmology won’t do them a bit of good for all of eternity?
Did you know you have the only answer for anyone who will take their last breath today?
Until the nets are full,
P.P.S. A lady tried to open her car door and ended up scratching my car door. No can do! That ain’t happening! So, I said, “Hello.” The lady in the picture wasn’t the one who scratched up my car, but she was in the car with the lady who did. Well, when we got done talking about my car door, I was able to witness to them, give them some materials, and buy this lady a meal for her 75th birthday!! God is good! Always say hello to the people who are trying to damage your ride. You just never know when you might meet someone to witness to!