
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

The Last Ride – Reviews


“Mark, your books are wonderful and great for anyone, especially Christians, to read.”

— Willard M.

“Your literature has brought to my attention new scriptures for witnessing. Yes, I know that these scriptures have always been there, and I have read them many times, but just here recently, they have been revealed to me as witnessing scriptures. They are new tools in the tool box, my friend.”

— Danny G.

“I am a full-time chaplain down in Florida, and you have sent us a bucket load of your books couple of times now. The inmates love them! I am hoping to get more, if that’s possible. We give them free to inmates here, and they almost always ask for more after they’ve read one of them.”

— Chaplain Buddy B.

“Your books are so easy to read and make it so obvious that we really have no excuses for not telling others about Jesus. Love that they are packed full of examples and ideas! Thanks Mark!”

 —Vera S.
Pastoral Care, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Prayer

“I love these books!! They are chock full of ways to talk to the lost. I highly recommend them!! They books are easy reads, great stories, and they challenge you to step out in faith to tell others about Christ. They have truly inspired me to be able to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.”

 Yvette C.

“Your books are powerful. They stir my passion for the lost. You are indeed touching lives for Christ. I am writing from Ghana.”

 —Joseph B.

“The Last ride was an amazing read!”

 —Chris W.

“Hey, Mr. Mark! I have been really excited to start reading your new book to see what you have written about this time! I am currently reading The Last Ride, and I am enjoying it! I love the style you’re using and the heavenly perspective it is told from. It is very powerful, and I can’t wait to see how it ends. I just wanted to let you know that I am reading it, and it is a work of art!”

 —Chris D.

“I just wanted to share my excitement from this morning as I presented each family in our church with a copy of The Last Ride. I first distributed copies to my Sunday school class and then to others following morning worship. Everyone was excited and thankful to receive a copy! Last Wednesday, my wife and I also gave a copy to my son’s first grade teacher. She told us the next day she couldn’t put it down! I have used The Last Ride to bring many folks joy this Christmas season.”

 —Richard G.

“I’ve just finished reading The Last Ride. It fascinates me the way Mark uses the characters, from beginning to end, to show how great God’s love is for us and how we are running out of time to reach the lost. We, as Christians, need to be bold and share that God has sent His Son to be the atonement for our sins. We should be sharing the love of Christ every minute of the day and not fear what others may say about us. We should take up our cross and follow Jesus, and love each other as He loves us. This novel is, by far, the best Mark has ever written!”

 —Deborah H.

“Thank you for writing The Last Ride. What struck me from the very first is that I have never thought about the Lord having fun creating this world. It was interesting how you described it. Thanks for the perspective!”

 —Janice S.

“This book is a brilliantly done and is of the Bible in a novel form. It shows God’s mercy, grace, and love for mankind. God continues to give man a way of escape from a literal hell. Great presentation, Mark.”

 —Marvin W.

“Just finished your latest book, The Last Ride. WOW!! Thoroughly enjoyed not only the book, but the great parallel of the world events going on today. Brother, you nailed it! Best one yet!! Keep serving and sharing.”

 —Joe C.

“Never before have I read a book that addresses so many contemporary issues facing our world today, other than the Bible! The Last Ride beautifully portrays the increasing pulse of the biblical end-time scenario. It is a tool that can be left in the hands of others with the confidence of knowing that the reader will have answers that effectively address any questions they may have. The Last Ride unashamedly presents God’s Word as true. A pure joy to read.”

 —Richard G.

“God’s tender heart toward His creation and the refusal of mankind to heed His warnings are abundantly clear in each chapter of this book. Mark Cahill presents the simplicity of truth in his fast-paced staccato style, which builds anticipation toward a crescendo that includes several surprises at the end. By contrasting the heavenly and earthly perspectivesof history and what awaits the world at the end of time, you will be impacted with the importance of the choices you make in your life today. This book left me in tears looking at people not with earthly eyes, but with the heart of the Lord!”

 —Sally W.

“This timely book, The Last Ride, is a fast overview of the Bible that would take months to learn in Sunday school but is condensed into an accurate picture of what history and the Christian life are all about. When coupled with the deterioration and seriousness of our times, it creates the sense of urgency to get our spiritual houses in order and be busy about the things of the Lord. He might be coming sooner than any of us think.”

 —Don H.

“I am reading The Last Ride! It is an amazing book! It is very powerful!”

 —Sydnie S.

“This book completely fascinated me and was hard to put down. It is a real eye-opener about the truth of the Bible. The deep love of God for both the lost and the saved jumps off of every page. It shows how God has provided the remedy for our sins, wants our repentance and faith for salvation, asks us to live for Him, and shows us how to recognize the signs of the times. I could read this book again and again and still learn new things, and I plan to do just that.”

 —Simone M.

“The unique format of The Last Ride is unlike any of Mark’s other books! But as is with all his books, the reader will understand the Bible better, receive a clear gospel presentation, and be challenged with the urgency to spread God’s Word to the ends of the earth. He boldly expounds on the truth while exposing doctrinal error. It is loaded with Scriptures and sprinkled with humor! Couldn’t put it down!!”

 —Linda G.

“Wonderful read!! There can be no doubt that the Lord has given Mark Cahill a tremendous desire for all men to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth, a deep love for the pure Word of the Lord and great courage to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. This book addresses the many false teachings rampant in the world today and false christs that cannot save. It presents the truth of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob which can only be found in His Scriptures! Time is short. The King of Kings is coming. Are you ready?”

 —Tara R.

“Once I read the first chapter of The Last Ride, I knew it would be my favorite of Mark’s six books. It hooked me from the beginning and left me reassured of God’s unconditional love, His never-failing mercies, and His just judgments.”

 —Linda R.

“An interesting point of observation down through time. Bringing to the attention of the reader how things that were predicted in the Bible actually came to pass, thus showing the reliability of God’s Holy Word. Each chapter creates a hunger for the next, concluding in the wrapping-up scenes of this world. Have a nice ride!”

 —Dennis H.