People are giving and receiving this time of year, but Christians are givers year-round. They know it’s more blessed to give than receive. They look for opportunities to glorify the Lord whenever they can. Ministry is a full-time occupation for believers. They serve others. They meet needs. They speak the truth in love with the opportunities God gives them. If we stop to think about it, most every day is filled with opportunity.
A friend of the ministry wrote in to share how he uses the opportunities that God gives him:
When I was born, I was told I was laid on a table to die because I was so premature. When I didn’t die, the doctors put me in an incubator. I think God did that so I would never look back in life. God knew what He had in mind for me to do.
Last Friday, I was standing in Walmart watching people with tattoos, brightly colored hair, gauged earrings, nose rings, and cheek rings. My wife asked me if I was all right. I said, No, we’re standing in a white field of harvest. I was feeling a heavy burden for those lost people.
This week, my wife and I helped a number of homeless people. Yesterday, we ministered to five homeless people and an 88-year-old lady with dementia who was walking around the Walmart parking lot. I walked up to her and asked, Can I help you get to where you want to go? When she asked me if I was her son, I took her by the arm and walked her toward the door of Walmart. Her daughter came out of the store and asked her mom, Where are you going? The elderly mother replied, Why? As if nothing was wrong. I was thankful that God put me in the right place at the right time to help her and give them a book. The daughter was very thankful.
Eight days ago, we helped a homeless person at McDonald’s who was sitting outside against the wall. I got him a big breakfast, brought it outside, and shared how Jesus Christ loves him. He understood he wasn’t in his situation because of God. I gave him a book and a Freedom tract.
Several days later at Walmart, there he was with three others. But, it wasn’t him, it was his twin brother. So I talked with all of them and gave three of them a book and a booklet. I gave out so many books that day that I ran out of the materials I keep in my truck.
When the UPS driver showed up this morning, my wife and I went outside to shut the camper door. For some reason, the automatic lock on the camper door activated and all of our keys, including our truck keys, were locked inside. We thought we had a spare key for the camper in the truck, so we called the Ford dealer to come and unlock it. When they did, the car alarm went off, which caused our neighbor to come over. Well, the Ford employee got one of your books when he opened the truck. The books were inside the truck. When I offered our neighbor a book, he said, You already gave me one! That opened a conversation about his past and his religious background. When the locksmith came to unlock the camper, I had a good conversation with him. He had a stroke three months ago, and you guessed it: he got a book. Somehow, the conversation turned to, Do you know Jesus? It was a good morning.
Now, about the hungry people. Our Bible study group took on five families who didn’t have food for Thanksgiving, don’t have food for the holiday season, and won’t have food until their kids go back to school. Their situation has inspired others in the church to take on another group of homeless people. They took care of providing Thanksgiving dinner for about 30 of them. I’m sure their help won’t end with this meal. I have told some stories about how we helped the homeless in MN. I think someone said, We better do something about those who don’t have food.
Because of your generosity, I can distribute books to both my men’s meeting and the Bible study class that my wife and I attend on Sunday mornings, one book per couple. It’s the start of something for God, and it’s always interesting to see how He works.
The pastor mentioned that when they went caroling last Christmas, one place told them they couldn’t come back. I told the pastor, That’s the perfect place to be. We will just see what God does with us here. I may not be able to hand out hundreds of books, but I know that when I talk to people and if they come to Christ, they will talk to other people and help them come to Christ in the same way.
Your Friend,
Look around and see that the fields are ripe for harvest. Watch for the opportunities that God puts in front of you.
Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
He wants you to show mercy and compassion toward the lost and perishing. He wants you to give them the truth about salvation. He wants you to tell everyone in your world about His great love and pardon for sin.
Until the nets are full,
P.S. Since this month is all about giving, we want to make sure that your arsenal is full and that you are ready to bless many people as we close out this year and head into next. So to help you, we have put all of our cases of books on sale for a suggested donation of $225. That is 25% off of the regularly suggested donation.
Now would be a good time to flood many Christians with One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven or The Watchmen books. We really need more and more Christians out there being bold in reaching the lost as we finish out this year and head into the next.
One Heartbeat Away is perfect for the lost. Just heard from a guy who read it in prison and got saved. Now he is giving them away to lost souls in Jersey! We also heard from our Norwegian translator who sent this book to the royal family of Norway. Please pray for them to believe the gospel and be saved.
Our novels are super easy to read. They might make good gifts for those who like to escape into stories yet need to learn eternal truths, or for young people who need encouragement as they are developing a lifelong love of reading.
So put some ideas together for how you can bless many, many people this Christmas season, and go for it. Have a great month standing strong for the Lord!