
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Thank You!

Sep 26, 2024

We have received some really neat reports in just the last couple of days. And all of them have to do with you! Through your prayers and generosity, God has made some interesting things happen.

TJ, a missionary to the Spanish-speaking world, wrote in with the following comments:

Hey, Mark!!

I had the privilege of distributing your books to these brothers and sisters today. This is in Leticia, Amazonia, and Colombia. This group works with indigenous tribes along the Amazon River that connects Colombia, Brazil, and Peru. They were receiving training from “No Place Left” workers. They were so grateful to receive the books. Thank you for giving me the privilege of sharing your resources.

Had this note come in from Jesse:

Hey Mark,

I thought you would be encouraged to know that the Nepali translation of your book, One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven, is still being used as an effective evangelism training tool way over in Nepal. This report came to me from Brother Bishnu today. Very encouraging.

God bless you. Maranatha!


Bishnu said,

I trained them on the glorious gospel and on evangelism. We supplied them with more than 2,000 pieces of literature. Taught them two old hymns that I translated from English: “Jesus Paid It All” and “He Will Hold Me Fast.” They picked them up quickly. Supplied each church with a copy of One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven and a paper with the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Jesus.

Then today I heard from a prison chaplain:

Mr. Cahill,

Thank you for sending a box of your books and DVDs to the Chaplain’s office at Lancaster County Prison (LCP). Your books are very loved here at LCP, and it was wonderful to get a fresh batch of brand-new books! And the Spanish ones are a big gift also. The chaplains are looking forward to using the DVDs in their Bible studies.

Thank you for your generosity in sending them to us. 


How does all of this happen? Easy. Thanks for praying for lost souls. Thanks for praying for Christians to be equipped to share their faith. Thanks for praying that more and more materials would get into more and more hands during the days that we are living in. Thanks for making donations when you order products from us. And thanks for donating to the ministry. We use your contributions to do projects just like these.

Thanks for making Jesus well-known! Keep it up!!

Until the nets are full,

P.S. You need to understand that our First Amendment rights are on the ballot this year. Don’t believe me? They openly admit it now, as you will see in the video below. You never want only one source of information to figure something out unless it is the Bible for spiritual matters. Governments and their controlled media lie all the time. ALL THE TIME. We will always need other sources of information to discern truth in a world full of lies.



P.P.P.S.  “Giving them Higher Learning”  Don is on college campuses all the time. He puts these witnessing events on his calendar, and then travels to various learning institutions to reach students and faculty for Christ. It’s the real education they need. College campuses are a great place to witness. Have you been to one lately?

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