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Ten Questions from the King – Top Ten Reviews

Sep 9, 2024

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“The moment I lifted the new Mark Cahill Ten Questions from the King book I knew I was in for some captivating and challenging reading. True to form, this book could be described as dynamic; easy to read, understand and apply; engaging; informative; poignant; powerful; thought-provoking; and above all, challenging as he does best! In a day and age when facts are no longer absolutes but mere statements of probabilities and people search for solutions in all the wrong places, I urge you to introduce your mind to the questions so aptly introduced and answered in this amazing book. It may very well change your perspective of reality! Truth never changes.” 

-Charlotte A
Northern Ireland (UK)

“I could not put Ten Questions from the King down! Something that separates Mark from other writers is that he uses truth from the Bible to defend what he is writing about. I feel even more confident now about having conversations with nonbelievers and believers as well. The questions Jesus asked are important, and we have to think about why He asked them. I recommend this book 100 percent!”


“Insightful and engaging — an excellent study for everyone who loves truth!”

-Diana B.

“Thanks again for your book Ten Questions from the King. I’m really enjoying it. Love the way you wrote it!! Very much puts the challenge out there to believers. And if a non-believer reads it, there are good references about false religion done in such a way that they are not going to go unnoticed but not offensive so as to put someone off who may have a false faith. Obviously, the truth will ruffle some feathers, and sometimes feathers need to be ruffled for people to question what they believe versus what the Real Truth, the Real Way, and the Real Life is to salvation! Thanks for your diligence my brother.”

-Ray T.

“I’m still soaking up your book Ten Questions from the King.This amazing book is convicting, motivating, inspiring, thought provoking, intelligent, a resource of practical witnessing tools, and I could go on and on! Like I told you before, I’m reading each page over and over! I have marked it up with a highlighter pen! This book should be THE textbook of every discipleship class in every church! Matter of fact, EVERY Christian needs to have this book! This book is making me a better servant of God!! Thanks for being such a blessing!!”

-Jimmy W.

“Discipleship, Evangelism Training, and Faith Building are all rolled into this one book! Mark has used the premise of ten questions to challenge us all. As believers and followers of Jesus, this book helps us to remember that our purpose in God is continuing to dig into His Word and to live it out daily as it says in Jeremiah 33:3. For those considering who God is, this book will answer many questions and point to the Truth in every way!”

-Lauri N.

“This book demonstrates exactly how evangelism should be done with the civility of asking questions! It’s amazing how simple questions can become powerful tools that open doors to giving out truth to others. As Mark says, “People have to think about eternal matters before they can be saved.” How simple it is to ask, “Why do you believe what you believe?” Asking questions takes all the pressure off of talking to others. I’m hoping my simple questions will become ‘pebbles in the shoes’ of the people I meet! Read this book! What are you waiting for?”

-Sally W.

“Having come out of the false belief system of Mormonism, I found that few Christians were able to give reasons for their faith. This book exposes the traditions of men and explains the Christian life from the Bible. All Christians, especially our youth, before leaving home, need to know what they believe and why they believe it, so they can be effective witnesses for Christ in the world.”

-Kathy S.

Ten Questions from King is awesome, especially your analysis and commentary about Jesus and the disciples on the sinking boat during the storm. Exactly what I needed to hear, since I am having panic attacks about a myriad of issues. Chapter 10 and spending more time in the Word are calming my tempests. Thanks!”

-Brent J.

“Mark! I ordered two boxes of your books a few months back. I read One Heartbeat Away, The Watchmen, and Ten Questions for The King. Life changers! I have to say that these three books helped to turn me on to the path of obedience to God in sharing my faith. The Spirit really worked on my heart and mind through these books. I just wanted to stop and thank you for your time and effort in writing these books. The Lord is leading me to New York City; I can’t wait to stomp those streets and tell people about the only Way, the Truth, the Life! What a calling. Endless possibilities to share. What a gift!”

-Reid A.