
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Surrendering or Upholding America

Oct 26, 2020


Is America good or is America bad? Think about who or what informs your opinion. What does history show? What would politicians have you believe? What does your gut tell you?

There is a reason why the entire world is watching our elections. They understand that freedom is at stake, but sadly, many Americans don’t seem to realize this.

Christians should be gravely concerned for the future of our country. If the wrong party wins, we could be facing the end of America as we know it. That is a strong statement to make, but after watching this video, you will see why it is a very real possibility. Listen carefully because the information this man gives is insightful and critically important.



The radical left is waging war against this nation in ways that are more covert than most people would ever suspect. The conflicts playing out over abortion, religious liberties, transgenderism, racism, and other issues are not just opinions; they are weapons meant to strike a fatal blow to American values. Traditional values must be overturned and redefined in order to establish the foundation for a new type of government, one that our founding fathers never intended for us to have.

America has been experiencing moral decline for decades. We need to be salt and light to everyone around us from our neighbor next door to our representatives in office so we can be the preservative in our culture that God intended us to be. God’s Word can shatter the strongholds that are setting up in our nation and retard the corruption that threatens to overtake it and the world. If America falls, the world will become more corrupt and spiral further out of control very quickly.


America can only be as good as its citizens. And true goodness is found in the Word of God, which is why the freedom to openly preach truth on our streets is a gift worth defending and lifting up in prayer.

1 Timothy 2:1-3

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

Pray for America. Pray for the lost to be reached with the gospel. Pray that Christians will get out and vote. Pass this video on to others. And pray for truth to be elevated in our streets and in the halls of justice, across our land and from sea to shining sea!

Until the nets are full,


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