
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Sharing the Great News

Apr 4, 2019


Taking the Spring Challenge

   What are your goals for spring? A beautiful yard? Kicking in that extra exercise routine? Or maybe witnessing to at least one person every day for six straight weeks?

    Maudi and her husband decided to take a spring challenge to make a difference in the lives of the people they met. It turned into a habit they don’t want to change!


Hi Mark,

 My husband and I just finished our six-week challenge of witnessing to someone every day. During that time, we talked with a total of 113 people. We had some good conversations and some other encounters that included asking a few questions and handing them a tract. We got to pray with some of them about the trials they were going through. We had a female Episcopal priest get angry, just by asking her questions. Most people were wonderful.  We are still “at it” every day when we leave the house.

This morning, a man was interested when I offered him copy of One Heartbeat Away. He said he loves to read. We had a great conversation to and from his cardiac rehab appointment. He is not a believer but has Christian friends who share with him.

All the glory to God! I never thought I would be doing this.

Thank you!

Maudi R.


      With Resurrection Sunday coming up, we want to honor the Lord’s tremendous sacrifice by spreading the great news of salvation to as many people out there as possible. We want to be planting and watering all the days of our life.


      To kick off your own Spring Challenge, we are putting our tracts on sale for 20% off the suggested donation. Tracts will be on sale through Friday!

To order your tracts today, click the button below:

Click Here - red button for newsletter


     Have a blessed Resurrection Day thanking the Lord for His great gift of salvation. And have a blessed Spring sharing that great news with everyone you meet, so they can be thankful for salvation as well!

 Until the Nets are Full,



P.S. Some friends of the ministry were in NYC recently handing out tracts wherever they went. They walked into the Trump Tower and flooded it with tracts. They even ran into a Bible study going on there! Which place in your community are you doing the same?

\ Trump-Tower-conscierce Trump-Tower-Security


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