
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Robbed: Again, and Again, and Again

Sep 1, 2005

Acts 20:35

I have showed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

One of the fun things about this ministry is the ability to travel to different places. I get to meet so many different people and witness to the lost and to encourage the saved all across the country. I just got done talking with a flight attendant that has now been on four of my flights!

A few weeks ago after coming home from a trip, my apartment had been burglarized. I was none too happy. They ended up getting a lot of cash. One of the things I love to do is bless other people. So, I keep money to help the homeless, migrant workers, help people pay rent when that is needed, etc. I was a little hot under the collar when I saw how much was gone. So after getting mad, I began to pray. The truth of the matter is – the money isn’t really mine anyways. It is on loan from God to me. It is really His money. So, Satan can try to steal His money but I think God has much more where it came from!

Later, I went over to my computer and wrote myself a note to give money away that week. Now that might sound strange to you. Many times when we lose money, we think that we need to be tight spenders to replenish our funds. I was wondering how I could reconcile having money stolen with “being more blessed to give than to receive.” Those are the words of Jesus and I want to obey them.

A couple of nights later, I took two people to dinner that I had recently met at a festival. They had lots of questions about Jesus and even brought a Bible. It was a three hour and forty five minute dinner! God is so kind. One thing I love to do is to take lost people out to dinner and pay for it. One guy at the table had been run off the road by an 18 wheeler. He landed upside down in some water. He should have died, but came out of it with a broken leg, broken collar bone, etc. Since he can’t work for a while, I decided to take my checkbook and write him a check to pay his rent for a couple of months. A girl at the table was in town from Panama City Beach, FL. At the end of the meal I felt led by the Lord to give her $40 to help pay for her gas to get back home the next day. She looked at me and said, “I have no money in my pocket. I was wondering where my money was going to come from to pay my gas, and now I know. She sat there and began to cry. The guy began to cry. Who blessed these two people? Someone who loves Jesus Christ blessed them and there are so many ways to do that.

When we bless people, our words make sense to them. They see the words in action and it shows the love of God. Christians need to bless other people, period. The most giving of all people should be the followers of Jesus. When I travel in Atlanta, I give people tokens to get on the trains. I also tell them as a follower of Jesus that it is one of the things we do is to bless other people. One lady stood there for almost a minute just flustered. She told a bystander that she couldn’t believe that someone would just give her a token with no strings attached. I just got a phone call while writing this newsletter. It was from a guy in a wheelchair that I had witnessed to and helped. I met him on the train system! The Holy Spirit can use our actions in amazing ways in the hearts of others.

Since then, my apartment has been burglarized two more times! This is getting to be fun. Now please do me a favor. Do not email me and tell me to change the locks. Do not email me and tell me to get an alarm system. Do not email me and tell me to get married so my wife can protect me! I want you to do one thing. Pray for the salvation of the soul of this person. Pray for the spirit of conviction to come upon him. Pray for his conscience to work hard on him. I sat next to a guy on a plane flight who told me he stole a piece of candy at six years old. He did not get caught, but even at 59 years old, he cannot forget it. Pray for God to bring that money back however He decides to do that. This newsletter goes to over 5600 people a month now. I want all who are believers to pray for this person. I can’t wait to find out one day what God did in his life with all of these people praying.

I hope you enjoyed the newsletter. Please go bless someone today. It is a great way to live.

Until the nets are full,

Signature box repaired

P.S. Many thanks for the prayers for the new book. It should be ready in the next month. We will make an announcement when it is ready. Please pray for all of the souls who will be reading it.

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