I wanted to pass along a few responses we received from last week’s newsletter, one from a school teacher and another from a former nurse: They are taking the challenge to read the Bible from cover to cover this year.
Dear Mark,
Just a short simple email to say thank you. Thank you for challenging me to share Jesus every single day with every single breath. Thank you for the way you reach out and the way you think outside the box. I have read the Bible through several times, but I do not like following reading plans. So after I read your newsletter today, I thought, Wow, three and a half chapters a day? That’s not much. So, I started today and got myself caught up! I almost couldn’t stop reading! And next time, I think I won’t stop! I will keep reading, and if I get through before the end of the year, I will start over! Thank you for making it seem so simple to do!
My goal, my theme for the year is more of Him and less of me. Thanks for helping me dig deeper in His Word.
Happy New Year!
School Teacher
Hi Mark,
My husband and I read through the Bible this past year. We were able to share with each other (knowing that the other was on the same “week of the reading plan) insights/things we learned. Also, giving away Bibles to those who need a Bible (to keep for themselves or to give to someone in need) has been a great joy this year. You can order Bibles by the case online at a discount. Best/greatest book in the world! Amen.
Former Nurse
Luke 8:15
But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.
2 Thessalonians 3:1
Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:
Let the Bible have free course in your life this year and pray that His words will spread everywhere and to all people in 2018! Have a great time enjoying God, enjoying His Word, and enjoying reaching the lost!
Until the nets are full,