
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven – Audiobook Reviews



“Your audiobook One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven helped me to spread the gospel with more confidence. What you are teaching through the books has propelled me in a very positive and responsive way. You gave me a lot to think about. I’ve already made some adjustments in reaching the lost, and I will continue to do so.”

— Lavon W.

“Thank you, Mark! Your MP3, One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven, rocked my world. It’s just what I needed. Thank you for teaching us what to say and how to share the gospel. I’ll use my life to make an eternal difference and will see you in Heaven.”

—Mark M.


“I just wanted you to know that I am on the road a lot. Every day, I listen to your audiobooks over and over. I am so fired up about sharing the information you have taught me and the proper way to present it. I now have no interest in listening to music; I’m just interested in making an eternal difference. I feel like I am a part of your army, battling to save the lost.”

—Mark M.

“I just received One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven. I haven’t been able to put the book down. My family and I are getting ready to do a 2,600-mile road trip, so I am excited to get the audiobook to listen to while we drive. I am already excited about the opportunities that will come about to witness while we are traveling. Your book has been such a blessing!”

— Truman H.

“Thank you very much for the audiobook you included in the package with my order. I listened to One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven today and am so motivated to take some tracks and stuff them in beer or soda cases at Kinney the next time I am there. Your suggestions for opening conversations with the lost are excellent! It’s pure joy to partner with you in this journey to win souls for Jesus.”

—Cindy P.


One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven is a yearly book to read or listen to!”

—Tim M.

“I have One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven on audio, and I listen to it every day on my way to work (hour drive each way). When I’m done, I switch to One Heartbeat Away. My two favorite books besides the Bible.”

—Kelsey L.

“Thank you so much for making audiobooks!!!! In two days, I have listened to all of One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven!!! I love it!!!! The content and the way you read are so faith-building!! The audiobooks alone, for me, have taken my passion for fulfilling Mark 16:15 from 75% to 99%.

Reading is hard work for me. It does not come naturally. I made it partway through your book and hit the streets witnessing. Your book and prayer are the number one things that took me from a lock-jaw, fearful witness to a bold, fearless witness!

I am a carpenter by trade, but when I have half a chance, I go find people to share the good news with!”

—Daniel M.

“Your audiobook (One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven) helped me to spread the gospel with more confidence. What you are teaching through your books has propelled me in a very positive and responsive way. You gave me a lot to think about. I’ve already made some adjustments in reaching the lost, and I will continue to do so.“

— Martin K.