
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

New Freedom Tract Announcement

Oct 21, 2018


One thing we all yearn for is Freedom. We love talking, walking, and living our dreams. Have you ever stopped to think about how casting our ballot in the voting booth is really voting for more or less freedoms? Even more or less government impacts the freedoms we live under. And some people will  “caravan” thousands of miles to a different country just to be free! Freedom just seems to be on the minds of everyone.

But what is true freedom? How can someone have real freedom if they are still shackled in sin? They can’t. That is one of the reasons why they need Jesus Christ.

And that’s also the reason we’ve created this tract. People are meandering through life just trying to make it through to the end. Many of them have zero plans to think about eternity today or any day, for that matter. But a single gospel tract with wording that makes them think can change all of that in a heartbeat!

Helping people to think about eternity more than they had planned to is the main reason I use tracts all the time —and I mean, all the time! They need a wake-up call today because the freedoms of this life will one day come to an end.

To address that need, we have worded this tract clearly so the gospel message is easily understood. It’s also bright in appearance to be appealing and eye-catching at first glance. You all have given out hundreds of thousands of tracts, and these would be a great addition to your arsenal of witnessing materials.

Below is the front cover and back wording of the Freedom tract:



Freedom is strong. Freedom is bold. Freedom is exciting. These are some reasons why I like this tract cover. I think people will just take them right out of your hands. People love the ideals of freedom, but we really want them to enjoy true eternal freedom that only Jesus Christ can provide!

You can CLICK HERE to pick up some tracts for you and your church to give away.



Don’t let people walk past you today. Say to them, “Did you get one of these?” as you hold out a tract for them to take. You will be amazed at how many of them will take one and even stop to chat with you. The stories we hear about how God has used a simple tract are amazing.

Lost people all around you. Their hands are empty. Time to fill them up with eternal truth!

Until the nets are full,
