
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

I Want That Number to Be Zero

Feb 21, 2022


We received this interesting note the other day that was included on a book order:

Hi, Mark,

I just listened to your video titled One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven, and I realized how much I must hate each person I talk to, day in and day out, when I do not share Jesus with them. I was praying after listening to your sermon, and this thought came to me. I thought about of me standing before Christ, forgiven, yet the Lord begins to judge me for what I did or didn’t do while I was here on earth. As He looks at me, I begin to think to myself about all the times I personally sinned against Him, and I tremble as I await His voice. When He finally speaks, what He says is far worse than I ever imagined. He said, “Ryan, do you know how many people I brought to you so that you could share Me with them? But in your selfishness, your fear of man, your arrogance, and lack of faith in Me, you decided against sharing with them, and now they are in Hell eternally.”

Mark, I want that number to be zero. I don’t know if that is obtainable, or even realistic, but I know one thing for sure: I want to share the gift of “Christ in me” with every person I encounter. For so long, I have been an anxious man. I’ve been worried about how a man or woman may look at me for any given reason. Mark, I would rather worry about how my God is going to look at me on the Day of Judgment.

Please pray for me. Please. I am a husband and a father of four children. I don’t always have a lot of money, but the Lord has always given enough for us. I will continue to donate to your work as long as the Lord will allow me. I give you what I can now, and I will be back.

Thank you for your boldness and willingness to reach lost people.



Colossians 1:27

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

I love Ryan’s heart! What a husband and father he must be. Humble. Wants to be “all in” for Almighty God. And the great thing is his wife and kids are going to see that kind of passion, and it will rub off on them.

Here is the link to the video he was watching, in case you want to check it out:



Pray for Ryan and his family. They are about to embark on a fascinating journey that is going to have a fascinating end!

Until the Nets are Full,





P.P.S. Everyone needs to hear to the gospel and understand what Jesus has done for us. Praise the Lord that Jesus Christ has paid for our sins and forgives those who turn to Him! It’s the best message to hear and the best news to give out to others!!



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