As I walked outside of my front door one morning, a tall guy started to approach me. I didn’t recognize him as being someone from the neighborhood, but we have construction going on, so there are all kinds of people out and about on the street. He seemed to be about as tall as I am, and he kept walking toward me.
As he got closer, I began thinking to myself, “Why did you never study Taekwondo when you were younger?” Ah, all of those wasted years I spent on other matters. Probably the only time you will ever see one of my feet above my head nowadays is if I slip on a nice piece of ice in the winter! So he kept coming my way, and then he said, “Hey. Aren’t you a minister or something?” Hmm. That was an interesting start to my day. So, I replied back, “Or something.” He explained that I had witnessed to him a few miles away about a year earlier.
We began having a nice talk. He told me that I had given him one of my books. I asked him if he read it. He said, “I read the cover!!” What a great answer. I went to the library later that day, and read 150 books! I didn’t realize how easy it was! I let him know I heard a rumor that the first page of the book was pretty good! I asked him if he still had it. He told me he did not. Then he told me he had spent part of the past year in jail and that he had been reborn. So, we talked about what that meant, how to grow in one’s faith, etc. I let him know about the importance of second chances in life and, how we all need them. I actually gave him another copy of the book so he could have a second chance to read page one!
Time to Eat
As I continued through my day, I got hungry, as usual. I stopped at a Korean BBQ restaurant. “Tu” was my waiter, and since he wasn’t too busy, we ended up talking most of the two hours that I was there. He even sat down at the table to talk at one point.
He told me about another man who had come into the restaurant. That man just sat at his table, ate his barbecue, and left. Tu said it was so interesting to him that one guy would come in, sit down, chat him up, and ask questions, and another basically didn’t say a word to him. So what would cause one man to act one way and another man to act another way?
Tu told me about a guy in college who had witnessed to him and gave him a book to read. I told him, “That is a pretty good friend who would care about your eternal soul.” A little later in the conversation, I pulled out a copy of One Heartbeat Away to give him. His eyes got big. Then his eyes got moist, and he said, “That is the book the guy in college gave me!!”
He told me how glad he was that we had a chance to talk. I told him, “I prayed this morning to have the right waiter today, and you were the one.” He said, “Noooo, you didn’t.” He thought I was lying to him! But I really do pray for things like that.
Tu has already contacted me a few times, and we had dinner just last week. He has a lot of questions swirling around in his head. Please say a prayer for him.
Coffee Break
And, of course, I don’t just get hungry, but I get thirsty, too! As I was walking out of a coffee shop later that same day, a lady was sitting there reading a book. So, I said, “What are you reading?” I can’t even tell you how many unreal conversations have opened up just by asking that simple question. Next thing you know, I am sitting at Valerie’s table, and we are having a good ole-chat. It was her first year as a school teacher. That first year is a tough one. I remember my first year of teaching. I was so much better my second year. Also, because of the China virus, classes aren’t meeting as much, so she is having a hard time bonding with the students as well. She turned out to be a very strong Christian and took a few of my books because she loves to read. I had a wonderful opportunity to encourage Valerie, and I am so glad that God had her on my schedule.
Topping Off
I sure hate it when my gas tank gets low. I really, really love a full tank of gas, but, if you knew me, you would know that I never actually fill it! I only put $10 or $20 in the tank, which makes me stop more often at gas stations where I can meet more people! Oh, well. One day I am going to fill that thing up!
But, one thing I always do while I am there is buy someone else’s gas. So, as I got out of my car, another car pulled up on the other side of the pump. I asked the man who got out of the car if he was getting gas. He told me he was, and I stated that I was going to pay for it. He wanted to know why I would do that, and I said, “I am a Christian, and Jesus said it is more blessed to give than receive, and I love to live my life that way and bless others.” He was so grateful. He said that had never happened to him before.
As we were talking, I asked him where he was from. He told me he was from Los Angeles. I asked him what he was doing in Atlanta, and he told me he had come to see his dad. I asked how his dad was doing, and he said, “He died three weeks ago.” Well, he had actually come two months beforehand because he knew his dad was dying. So, he was able to spend some good time with his dad before he exited this life. When I told him that I have written books about what happens when you die, he really perked up. We stood there and had a fascinating give-and-take. He took two or three of my books as he was really searching to find out what happens in the next step of the journey after we take our last breath.
Pray for Bob
I know I have recommended this to you many times, but make sure you watch or listen to this talk on our website called Pray for B.O.B. I will probably promote the audio and video of this talk until you get sick of it!
Audio PlayerMany people have told me that they pray this prayer every day and before they walk out of their front door. They also say that amazing divine appointments keep happening right before their eyes. This should really be the expectation when we pray for B.O.B. If you want to be used by God, He will use you. It should be our mindset as we go out into the highways and byways of our lives.
1 Thessalonians 5:17,18
“Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
That was a great day! There is always so much to give thanks to the Lord for when we give our days to Him.
Until the nets are full,
P.S. Below is a picture of Chris David. He happens to be the college student who gave Tu the One Heartbeat Away book! Tu ended up texting him after our encounter, and they had breakfast one morning and talked some more.
What is interesting is that I actually know Chris and his family. They go to a church I used to attend. Both of his parents are very bold in sharing their faith. His two brothers are very bold in sharing their faith, too. His sister, not so much. And the reason why? He doesn’t have a sister!! But, if he did, you betcha she would be a bold, loving soul-winner, just like everyone else in the family!!