One of the responses to last week’s newsletter about the importance of reading your Bible was very interesting, and I wanted to pass it along to you. Enjoy!
Hi Mark!
You are SPOT ON!!! Here’s my take at age 65:
NO TV. When my church buddies act shocked that we don’t have a TV, I simply tell them that it’s filthy. Not one has ever disagreed. But they continue to have one.
NO sports. 1) I’m a grown-up. Playing is for children. 2) Would Jesus play football or basketball? Really?? Would Jesus be knocking down somebody, stealing the ball, or fouling when the ref isn’t looking, just to bring fame and fortune to Himself? NO! He’d be yanking off their Nikes and Jordan Aires so He could wash their feet! After that, He’d spend His career on the bench!
This is my idea of entertainment, conquest, courage, victory, and challenge. This is fun and fame, and it’s not done in an armchair.
Buy a couple thousand Chick tracts. Go to Wal-Mart. Hand them out to people. The ones who are sitting on a bench, sit down with them and talk. Then take a bunch of those Chick tracts “Happy Hour, Tiny Shoes, and “Just One More and stuff one in each beer carton in the beer section. The handles create a slot the perfect size to slip a Chick tract deep inside. Then always remember to smile and wave at the security camera. I have yet to be reproached for it. Leave some in the restroom, too. Then when you check out, hand a tract to everyone in line and to the cashier. You will become famous, like I am, as “the comic book lady, and people will come up to you on the streets, in restaurants, and at stores requesting more or wanting to ask you questions. (I put my church info on the back of the tracts.)
In our town, we have a 75-cent carwash. I tape 3 quarters to a Chick tract, and leave one in each stall.
When I pay a bill, I insert a tract. If you put just one in, it doesn’t up the postage at all. By doing that, a man in Sioux Falls, who I will never meet this side of Heaven, accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour. We purchased grinder wheels from him, I paid with a check, and sent a tract. He called with questions. He got saved. It’s that easy. That was about 5 years ago, and he still stays in touch.
We have a small steel fab shop, and I give truck drivers the “trucker pack that has a variety of tracts, books, CDs, and DVDs. I know of a trucker who got saved. Another one’s little boy was so fascinated with the “Holy Joe CD, which is only 8 1/2 minutes long and is about a Vietnam soldier’s salvation testimony, that he invited all his friends in Laredo, TX to hear it. His life is now changed, too.
I offer missionaries up to 10,000 Chick tracts in any language they need.
I’m not patting myself on the back or anything because God’s Word instructs me to live life this way. I have known the fruits of doing it and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m on my 25th journey through my King James Bible. I read it twice a year. He knows me well; our relationship is sweet. I would not trade Him or His Precious Word for ANYTHING this dying world has to temporarily offer!!!
Linda in Oklahoma
Will you make a commitment to live like this during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons? Maybe we should live our lives like this all the time.
Until the Nets are Full,