Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays is behind us and the New Year has begun, it’s probably a good time to run a request by you. Mark Cahill Ministries is looking for people with some extra time on their hands and a heart for ministry. We would like to find some volunteers to help us out!
We are hoping to find people who have one or more of the following skills:
- Social media skills with a knack for creating posts on one or more platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest, etc.)
- Creating graphics on a photo editing platform or program (Photoshop, Canva, etc.)
- Experience with or ability to learn how to use a mass mailing service (Constant Contact, etc.)
- Running a YouTube channel
- Video editing
- Proofreading
- Reviewing and correcting website pages
- If any of these are areas where you can help us out, we would love to hear from you! Just drop us a note at enews@markcahill.org and let us know if the Lord is moving your heart to help us encourage the body of Christ so that they can be built up in their faith and reach the lost.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Until the nets are full,

P.S. Greg wrote in to say that back in December, he and his wife and daughter were heading out to a local nursing home to reach some souls for the Lord. Great idea! It’s really very simple to prepare a gift card and booklet before spending a few minutes with these folks as you try to reach them for the Lord!

You can find booklets for you, your family, and your Christian friends so that you can be doing the same by going to the following link. You’ll be glad you did!