
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

God Woke You Up

Jul 22, 2024

Recently, I saw this graphic on someone’s social media account, and it got me thinking.

You are awake. Hand out one tract today. Hand out three a day, and you will hand out over 1,000 tracts in a year!

Talk to one person about Jesus today. Ask someone, “Can I ask you an interesting question?” They will almost always say, “Yes.” Then, you can ask away! If you witness to one person a day, you witness to well over 300 people in a year.

Romans 14:8

For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.

What if you happen to be in a hospital after a heart attack? You can still open up your mouth and witness to doctors and nurses. How do I know that? I just got off the phone this morning with a 91-year-old man from church who just did this in a hospital after having a heart attack!

You are awake. Do something today that will have eternal value.

Until the nets are full,

P.S.  The gospel is getting out to the Jersey Shore! Junn, his friends, and witnessing team are hitting up the boardwalk. I love their boldness! Opportunities everywhere. Finish your summer strong for the Lord!

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