
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

From India to Emory

May 24, 2024

Have you ever received one of those emails that makes you wonder whether or not it’s real? I seem to get a lot of them!

One of the gentlemen below, Justin, emailed me from India, saying he was reading the book I wrote called One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven.” Okay, I get those kinds of emails often. No big deal.

But then he said, as he was reading the book, that there was a story in it about Emory University. Well, I don’t remember things like that; I just write the books and then go off to meet some new people who have new things to tell me! Consequently, I have perfected the art of forgetting many of my witnessing encounters!  Well, it looks like Justin was correct! There is a story that mentions Emory on page 102.

He then let me know that he was planning to do a one-month internship at Emory (he is a medical doctor). He asked if it would be possible to meet up while he was in Georgia. That sounded kind of neat, so we worked out a time to have a meal together.

While we were at dinner, we witnessed to our hostess. She came over to our table to talk.

Below is a picture of our waitress. She grew up in church but isn’t into it as much these days. She loved our conversation and said she liked to read.

The next picture shows Justin on the right, and Seadeep—a very, very strong Indian believer, who I wanted to come out to eat with us—on the left. I have known his family for years. It was good for these guys to connect.

After dinner, I gave Justin a bunch of materials from the back of my car because he wanted to give them away while he was in the States. He emailed a week or so later to say that he could really use even more materials! So I drove to meet him and gave him a box of books and booklets. He was witnessing to the Emory doctors and staff while he was there. He didn’t want to leave the U.S. with any unfinished business. He did the Lord’s work, dusted off his feet, and is now back in India and standing strong for Jesus!

I was really blessed by our evening out together. It’s not every day that you get to meet a Christian from halfway across the world, yet feel like you have so much in common with them. The Lord is so good to knit the hearts of believers together.

Get out there and do some witnessing for our Lord. As a matter of fact, do it so much that you totally forget half of the encounters that you have!!

Until the nets are full,

P.S. Yes, I know that there is a pretty big piece of Tiramisu on the plate in front of me. We were celebrating! And I kind of take celebrating very, very seriously!

P.P.S. We all need to be better watchmen for the Lord. The world needs a good dose of truth these days, and it is our job to bring it to them. Many have told me that the book, The Watchmen, has encouraged them to open their mouths and be bold. And the DVD, Do Your Job has also helped people become better watchmen. Many have also told me that they really liked the teachings in this DVD, which showed them how simple it is to witness and what our job as Christians really is.

Let’s have some fun and combine both of these items together for $12. That’s a $35 value for $12. I am not sure if my math is correct, but that is a pretty good deal. Enjoy!


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