
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Fake News or Total, Utter Destruction

Apr 17, 2020

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I heard an interesting statement from someone recently who said that bats are not sold at the Wuhan wet markets. I thought that sounded a little odd since the reports from the start of this Wuhan virus pandemic all say that they do. Conflicting information should make us think.

Do you know what journalism is? Do you know what investigative journalism is? Part of the difference between the two is the amount of work and effort put into finding answers.

The link below takes you to a fascinating article. The video embedded in it is top-notch. These investigative journalists went out and did some research. They talked with people. They tried to figure out what is going on with this virus. The conclusions they came to are beyond intriguing.

Remember, the people you see on TV, for the most part, are reporters and not investigative journalists. They do not put in the effort they should to research the topics they broadcast. They like snippets, and they want them to go viral. What they are really trying to do is warp your thinking by not giving you the evidence for their conclusions. That is called deception.

Matthew 27:63

Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.

No, Jesus is not the one deceiving us. The father of lies is very busy plying his trade at the moment. Can you spot his handiwork? Truth is all you are looking for today, tomorrow, and for all of eternity.

Enjoy the article and video at the following link:




There is a much, much bigger agenda going on in our world today. Can you see it? Remember to QEQE: Question Everything and Question Everybody.

Until the nets are full,


P.S. During these crazy times, a friend of the ministry is fearlessly using his business to reach people! How about you? Now is not the time to back up, but to keep stepping up in faith. Here is what he wrote:


How are you doing? I pray for you and that God would let you continue to evangelize. I often pray for people who come to my storage facility, so I might talk to them and hand out tracts. Your small books, I give out a lot: One Second After and The Second Greatest Lie. Saturday a.m., we were at the storage place in Junction City, and a young woman walked in and asked about storage. I have the books on the rack, and she immediately asked if she could have The Second Greatest Lie booklet. We talked a little, and then she walked out. I can’t help but think that God sent her there to get that book??

Edsel R.


P.P.S. Speaking of booklets, the 50% off sale on our booklets continues to be offered. Pick some up, so you can be ready to hand them out. Keep them handy in your workplace, by your front door, in your car, and in your pocket or purse.

2020 April booklet sale

