On Monday, we discussed the recent clip that’s surfaced of Tucker Carlson’s terrifying demonic attack and how it drove him to find answers in the one place we should direct everyone: the Bible. We talked about whether those encounters are real, which we continue to discuss in today’s newsletter. If you missed Part 1, you can read it at this link:
My Experience
Through the years, I have had three encounters that I knew were demonic. Now, be careful here. There isn’t a demon around every corner. We can’t throw everything that happens into the demonic category. I know that some sects of Christianity try to do that, but I just don’t see a biblical basis for it.
One time, I was asleep when all of a sudden, I woke up. As I woke up, I knew there was some sort of presence on top of me. Something was pressing my chest to the bed, and something was grasping my throat. Now, I wasn’t waking up from a scary dream. Something was going on.
I was chatting with a college student, one day, in a coffee shop. He was dealing with sleep paralysis. As he described what was going on, I told him, “It sounds like you are dealing with a demonic situation.” Interestingly, he had done a lot of research on sleep paralysis and said that one of the theories attributed it to a demonic encounter where a demon was sitting on your chest. He googled it and pulled up an old drawing of that exact scenario. Many have thought through the years that sleep paralysis has a spiritual component to it.
When that happened to me, I started thinking the name “Jesus” in my head. I kept thinking it over and over again because I couldn’t speak. Then all of a sudden, whatever was grabbing my throat began to loosen. It loosened its grip enough that I could speak the words, “In the name of Jesus, be gone.” If I remember correctly, I said it three times. I said it until I could finally sit up, and whatever was pressing my chest down to the bed departed. Let’s just say I didn’t get back to sleep for a while! Demons are real, and Jesus is much more powerful than any of the entities He created.
Stories from Others
We have received some really neat feedback on the novel, Paradise. Both the lost and the saved have loved this book. We receive a lot of emails about two sections included in it. One of those sections is about Near Death Experiences. People want to know if I have met the people that I wrote about in those pages. The answer is, yes, I have. Then there is a section about angels and demons. And people want to know if those encounters are real as well. Yes, I actually met all of the people included in this section, too. Those people had either an angel or a demon physically manifest in front of them without being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Their stories are just fascinating. Here is an excerpt:
“There is a lot I haven’t told you. So here goes. We had a patient one day who was not doing well, and he was going to die. He told one of the nurses, ‘Do you see that demon in that chair waiting on me? Do you see him?’ For twenty-four hours, he kept talking about this demon that was sitting in this chair waiting for him. Right up until he died, he was still talking about this demon waiting for him and wondering why none of us could see him.” (Paradise, 76).
I actually met that nurse in a hospital in Pittsburgh when I was doing rounds with a cardiologist friend of mine. I will never forget that man’s face. He knew, he knew, he knew that this patient had seen someone in that chair, but he could not see anything there. And that patient was not taking any medication that could produce hallucinations.
Demons are real. You don’t want to encounter them.
Attacks Against the Bible
Now you can see one of the reasons why the Bible has been attacked over the last 150 years, but especially in the last few decades. It is THE Book that tells us who God is and how to be saved. And it answers the questions that people have about “angels and demons.”
2 Corinthians 11:14,15
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 4:4
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
This is the Book that has been ripped to shreds by the “elites,” the secular humanists, college professors, etc. They don’t want there to be a God who they will answer to one day. Well, whatever they believe doesn’t matter. Judgment Day comes for all.
Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Satan’s trick is to keep people from going to that Book to find answers for their questions. He knows that if they open up that Book, he is in trouble. That people are going to find out who Jesus is.
What did Tucker do after having this encounter? Did he read some self-help books? Sit on a mountain top until he was enlightened? Become a monk? No. He said he called his assistant, “…who is like the only evangelical Christian that I know!”
This is a great statement. How are you living your lives around the lost people in your workplace, the school you attend, or the establishments you haunt? Did you consider that you might be the only “evangelical Christian they know?” Did you think about how they might walk up to you and want an answer for something that has happened in their life? Did you stop to wonder if they might walk up to you because they NEED an answer for something going on in their life?
Tucker stated that he had a “…very intense desire to read the Bible.” Keep, keep, keep pointing people to the Bible. It’s the only hope they have for finding the answers they need.
1 John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Until the nets are full,
P.S. This book Paradise is a quick read. More than one person has told me they have read it in one or two settings. If you want to read about more of those angelic and demonic stories, give it a read. I think you will find out that it is a great book to give people who are seeking and searching for truth during these days we are living in.