
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Contagious Witnessing

Mar 22, 2021


We love hearing about your soul-winning efforts out there! Thanks for the stories you send in. We find them very encouraging. We just got this one from Buck:

Hey Mark!

I met a man recently in Wilmington who loves to witness!! We have been meeting for coffee every Friday over the past few weeks. We have been giving each other some of our tracts and books.

Yesterday, I gave him your book, One Heartbeat Away. Today I stopped by his house, and during our conversation, he brought up your book. He said, “If everyone would just read this book!”

Also, when I was getting ready to leave, he asked how could he get some more of your tracts? I believe he said his wife had given out all that I gave him! And this guy has a lot of different tracts, so it just confirmed what I already knew―that your tracts are the best I’ve ever seen! His name is Pat. He will probably order some soon.


It is so important to replicate your contagious passion for soul winning with those around you. Never keep the excitement of talking with the lost to yourself.


My name is Chris, and this evening someone placed one of your Infinity cards on my jeep while I was inside in the gym. I am an Amazon delivery driver, and what I do is I put post-it notes on people’s packages telling them to have a great day. I put Roman’s 10:9-13 on the note and tell them there is hope in Jesus.

As soon as I read your tract, I knew I had to reach out to y’all. Maybe y’all could send me some cards, and I could put them on people’s packages on my route! On a daily basis, I have about 160 stops, which would be 160 people getting the gospel!

Praise the Lord for what y’all are doing. I pray that y’all can get back to me. Hopefully, Lord willing, we can figure something out!


I don’t have any clue who put that tract on Chris’ car, but Chris is very glad they did! Just putting a tract on someone’s windshield encouraged another believer and also gave someone a new idea for how to reach the lost. Remember that when you are out sharing your faith, it can be a very big encouragement to other believers that you cross paths with.

The tracts are still on sale, so you can load up and impact the Chris’s and Pat’s of the world!

Stay bold and finish well!

Until the Nets are Full,




