
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Fictitious Character or Real Deal

     I had an interesting conversation with a lady at a laundromat. She was an atheist. I love a good conversation with an atheist. Why? Their points are very easy to poke holes in.      I used some very simple logic with her that I talk about in One Heartbeat Away:...

.1 Child

Did you know there is a demographic decline in many parts of the world? Certain societies and cultures are losing their populations at such a rapid rate that they are at risk of losing their culture. The worst fertility crisis in the world, however, is presently...
Thankful for Thanksgiving

Thankful for Thanksgiving

This was the first year in decades that I didn’t have Thanksgiving with Mom or Dad. My mom is in Heaven now, and my dad has been moved to an assisted living facility in a different state. Even though family traditions have changed, could not those changes have opened...
Bible First or Bible Second?

Bible First or Bible Second?

I wrote a newsletter a few months ago on the topic of the moon (https://markcahill.org/ask-for-the-moon/). Many thanks to all of you for your responses to that newsletter. One of the things I was looking for was whether people would defend their points from a biblical...
The Only Cult You…

The Only Cult You…

Not long ago, I was having an email exchange with a friend of the ministry. He mentioned that a former student of his had seen one of the “Jesus” commercials during the Super Bowl and decided to try church again the following Sunday. Well, lo and behold, the pastor of...

Ready for the Box

I was chatting with Brandon at a coffee shop the other day. He works there, and I have talked with him a few times before. This time, I asked him, “Are you ready for the box?” He didn’t understand what I meant, so I explained it to him. Death is an amazing thing. We...