A little over nine years ago, a man of God told me that I needed to write a book. He said that I had too much good teaching and too many stories to tell not to. He also told me that it is good to have something to leave with people after you speak, because they will...
He died of cancer. The entire family died in a car accident. He couldn’t fight the leukemia any longer. He was in a fatal hit and run accident. She died of a heart attack. Emphysema beat him in the end. He just stopped breathing. They were killed by the...
As most of you know, I played basketball back in the day. I really used to love that sport. It was such an idol in my life. The good news for me now is that sports have taken a huge back seat as I walk through this world. I follow them a little bit, but in no way does...
So much is going on in our world today. From the earthquake in Haiti, to the gulf oil spill, to the economy, etc. One question to ask yourself is how is your attitude? How are you handling all of the current events in our world and in your life right now? As I have...
I have been reading through the book of Jeremiah recently. I noticed that it mentions pastors a lot, and it got me thinking. A pastor is the shepherd over the flock. A shepherd is one that guides animals or in this case, people. A shepherd back in the day had a great...
As we head toward the fulfilling of the prophecies of the end times that the Bible predicts, one thing you have to ready for, watching for, and listening for are false teachers. These will be both religious people of other faiths, as well as people who will fall under...