
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

You Only Live Twice

You Only Live Twice

If there is one thing I really enjoy in life, it is meeting people! People are so fascinating to me. Not only are we the only part of God’s creation that is made in His image, but every single person also has a story. Everyone has life experiences that make them...
Fear Not

Fear Not

As Joshua and the Israelites were going about God’s business of taking the land that He had promised them, something very interesting happened along the way. Joshua 7:4,5 So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men: and they fled before the...
No More Excuses

No More Excuses

I am very much enjoying reading through my Bible front to back again this year. It is great to reread some of those great accounts of God’s power and how He uses people. Remember though: Don’t just read your Bible, also heed what it says. Read and heed is...
20/20 Vision

20/20 Vision

Welcome to the New Year! It is always an exciting time as the clock strikes midnight finishing up one year and heading into a new one. Trust me on this: 2012 is going to be one exciting year! If you make it to December 31st of this year, you can be sure that you will...
Tidings x Three

Tidings x Three

One thing we all like is good news. As a matter of fact, we all love good news! One of the fun things about the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons is spending time with family and friends, and sharing stories of good news that have happened in our lives. And we as...