
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Total Abstinence

Jul 11, 2022


Adrian Rogers was never a preacher who avoided tough subjects. He hit them straight on and never backed down.

He also happens to be one of my favorite preachers. I just love his voice! He has a tremendous communication style, but what does that even mean? I have seen some great communicators who really had little to say. You might stutter or not have that perfect radio voice, but what you say and how you say is really what matters.

Adrian loves Jesus! That comes through his sermons loud and clear. He is passionate about the things of God! And that also comes through loud and clear. He is my kind of speaker.

I enjoyed this challenging and thought-provoking message. I hope you will enjoy it as well.





Will you take stock of what’s biblically true and stand up for it? Will you also unravel the lies people tell themselves and stand against sin? If Jesus is the Savior of life, and He is, then we want to be pointing others to what God says about protecting and saving the life He’s offering to mankind.

Until the Nets are Full,


P.S. Tim has taken The Second Greatest Lie Ever Told and coupled it with tracts about Islam. He goes to the mosques around his neighborhood and gives them to Muslims and puts those materials on their cars to enjoy once they have left their prayer time. What a great idea! Since this booklet covers eight of the world’s main religions, this same idea could be used for each one of those religions!


Check out our booklets page on our website and pick up your copies of The Second Greatest Lie Ever Told today!



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