
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Everyone Invited

Aug 15, 2021


A good friend of the ministry sent me this recently:

Two years ago, I officiated over my son’s wedding. I passed out five gospel tracts and your booklet, One Second After You . . . I invited everyone to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and clarified that they had to accept Jesus as their Savior to attend. There were many Catholics there and several thanked me, surprisingly. Within three months, one of the attendees was killed in a motorcycle accident and a year later, my daughter-in-law’s cousin died of cancer. I was so glad that I had spoken about being prepared to die and that my bucket list included my desire to take everyone I met to heaven with me, but they had to accept Christ. I was nervous and had never heard of anyone handing out tracts, gospel booklets, or witnessing at a wedding. Friends asked me if I had asked my son permission to speak like that. I had not because I was determined to do it anyway.


Merle is very bold for the Lord. He does a ton of soul winning. He is the real deal and understands the importance of souls being saved.

He also makes sure the food pantry at his church provides gospel literature along with the food they give out. He said:

We have Bibles and books in the waiting area that people can freely pick up. I just got permission to do this about a month ago, if I promised to stock the table and make sure we would not run out of Bibles, which I took as a challenge. Our small Life Group bought three cases of Spanish Bibles and 25 Creole New Testaments. Every client is counseled, one on one, in a little cubby. There, they are asked about their spiritual state. The gospel is shared and all are prayed for. We have maybe 1 percent who refuse to talk with us, but all are counseled and asked. Last year, we counseled 5,165 individuals: 84 accepted Jesus as Savior, and we gave out 259,437 pounds of food.

Counseling-area-in-cubby_500xaà Bible-Table_500xCounseling-Room_500x

Proverbs 19:17

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

Psalm 112:9

He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour.

Merle and his church are totally outreach minded. Totally. How about you? How about your church? What are you doing to stir things up a bit, so that you are reaching your community, your town, and your state for Jesus Christ?

Until the Nets are Full,


P.S. Jo Anna sent us this comment after reading last week’s newsletter Honoring and Glorifying the Lord:

Oh my goodness!! What a beautiful couple – and LOVED the clothes!! Boy, is heaven going to be a spectacle as each nation comes in with the clothes of their culture!! God is so good to make us all so different so that in Christ, we are presented as one!! Oh my, this just filled my heart and made my spirit rise to the heavens!! And the horse…WOW!! You are blessed, Mark Cahill, to get to participate in such celebrations!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful occasion with me!! Just thrilled my spirit and made the anticipation of going “Home” even more exciting!! Like Jesus can get any more exciting!!!
And don’t dress up! We wouldn’t know you!!
Love you!!
Jo Anna



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