
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Total Blessing

Apr 20, 2021


We received this very encouraging email the other day:

Hey, Mark,

Well, it’s been just over five weeks since I received everything you sent, and I must say how it’s been a total blessing for me. I am one of those people who does not like to read, since it usually puts me to sleep. So far, I’ve read both of the booklets and four of the books you sent. I just started reading Ten Questions from the King last night. Now I’m staying up until 12:00 -1:00 A.M. reading. I’ve also found some of your videos on YouTube that I have been watching while I’m in my gym. I can honestly say that the growth and maturity I am going through right now is amazing. I thank Him every day for this revival process, and I wanted to say thank you to you as well.

I’ve begun praying about talking to our Pastor about starting a teaching/study group using your novels and study guides in quarterly sessions. I’ll let you know how things continue to go.

Thanks for all the fishing tips and tools!



Some of the more amazing emails we receive are from those who don’t like to read or who don’t read at all, but they read these books all the time! I don’t like to write; they don’t like to read. Perfect combination!!

I tend to write in a simple, easily readable fashion. I think that is one reason why people like the books. We have heard from middle-schoolers to people in their 90s who have read these books.

Also, people are hungry for eternal truth, especially in the fascinating days we are living through. If they find the truth in a book they are reading, they will likely finish that book.






All of our books are still on special for a suggested donation of $6 each. Thank you for giving them away to so many people!




Until the nets are full,


P.S.  Information and videos are disappearing from social media all the time now. We discovered that the video we included on Monday night’s newsletter went missing, too. It had been on Jesse Kelly’s Twitter page. So we’ve included his comments below along with the video that had been in his tweet. Time is short. Use it wisely.






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