
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

“I Am In Sales!”

Oct 29, 2023


Not sure why my tires always seem to lose air. Doesn’t matter if it is the heat of summer or the cold when winter comes, but my tires just don’t like to stay inflated! That means I’ll end up back at this one particular car repair place where the guys take care of me. They make sure there are no nails (who invented the nail?!) or screws in my tires (I think those do more damage than nails do!), and then get me back up to the right tire pressure.

Whenever I am there, I always talk with Chris, who runs the place. He is a great man of God. Witnesses to his customers. Solid. As I was there again today, he told me he was just about to order tracts. He was going to order them later that day! But God worked it out for me to swing by there, so he could just get some from my car, which had the low tire pressure!

After they fixed me up, and as I was heading home, I decided to grab some breakfast. While at Waffle House, I heard the next table over ask the waitress what grits were! So, I figured it was time for me to butt in! The two guys at the table were from Los Angeles and were in town for something that had to do with vaping. They worked for a company that deals with that industry. We got into a neat conversation.

I ended buying their meal for them. They were kind of shocked because that doesn’t happen to them in LA. They wanted to talk about the $7 gas out there and how expensive everything was!

Once they found out I was a Christian, one guy kept saying, “Oh, my coworker Roderick would love you.” He said, “He is one of those evangelicals!” Well, I haven’t met Roderick yet, but I already like him! His coworkers know where he stands. That is how we are supposed to be known in the workplace.

Then the guy doing most of the talking asked me what I thought about the Israel/Hamas situation. I kind of thought that question came out of left field, but I answered it anyway. He then let me know that he was Jewish. It ended up being a good give-and-take.

As I began to walk him through the Ten Commandments, I asked him, “Have you ever told a lie?” His response was, “I am in sales!” I had never heard that reply before! Well, once he understood his sin, we moved on to talking about why the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua, is the answer for those sins. It was a really good conversation.

They weren’t much into reading, but they both took booklets. I did give them a couple of books for Roderick. The one man kept saying, “Roderick is going to love these!”

Next thing you know, their Uber showed up, and it was time for them to go to the airport and fly back to LA, so Roderick can share the gospel with them again!

Please pray for those guys. They were both fun to chat with. Pray for some water to land on those seeds.

And if you decide to go into sales, there is no need to ever lie to a customer. A good product with a good price and good service will always take care of you over the long haul.

Until the nets are full,


P.S.   God tends to get the attention of all of us at one time or another. For James, it came with a medical diagnosis. Pray for James to stay strong for the Lord and for witnessing as he continues in the days ahead. And be sure to encourage everyone you know to be as bold as he is!





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