
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Simple Choice

Oct 17, 2024

I like it when things are simple. Just makes it so easy to make a decision.

Election season is upon us. And we will be deciding how to cast our ballots in November. Will it be an easy decision for you to make when you walk into the voting booth, or will it be a difficult one?

I watched the following sermon by Gary Hammrick about voting and the upcoming election. I thought you might be able to glean some information from it. Starting at about the 28-minute mark, he goes through seven issues that should be important to all Christians, like border security, religious liberty, judges, the family, and the protection of life. He backs up all of these points with Scripture.

Now remember, when you listen to any pastor or any speaker, you want to QEQE: Question Everything, and Question Everybody. There might be some teachings at his church that are off. You can only spot those things by filtering what someone says or what a group believes through the lens of Scripture.


And one other matter that should always be important to us is taxes. Why? It is your money! You worked for it! You put in the time and effort to earn it! The government did not. And if one group wants to keep taking more and more of it to do whatever they want with it, then you want to stay far away from that group. Since it is your money, you should be the one who decides what to do with it, how to spend it, and who you want to give it to.

What if there was really only one issue on the ballot in November? Jonathan Turley seems to think there is:


When freedom of speech is lost, there is no telling how much persecution will befall the citizens of that country.

“Communism versus Freedom” is really a very simple choice.

Did I mention that this is a very easy election to vote in?

I live in a heavily Democratic area. Very, very blue. Shady things happen with the vote here. No matter. It is still my job to do my part in the voting booth. Standing on the sidelines during these days is not an option.

I will be voting for President Trump, and I will be voting a straight Republican ticket. Every now and then, you can find a moderate Democrat who might be okay, but many of them just end up voting with other Democrats once in office, so it doesn’t end up being a good choice.

One thing to consider, as they say, is to look at past behavior to predict future performance. If you think about the four years when Mr. Trump was President, the policies he pushed, and the results that occurred, and then compare them to the last four years of the current administration, the policies they pushed, and the results that occurred, the decision for who to vote for becomes a very simple choice to make.

We pray for our leaders. We pray for a government that will stay out of our lives and let us live freely.

1 Timothy 2:1-4

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Once the election is over, we keep doing the same thing we did before the election; we stand up boldly and strongly for Jesus Christ.

America’s problem is spiritual. That means there can only be a spiritual solution. And Jesus is, has been, and will always be the Answer.

Until the nets are full,

 P.S. Make sure you vote like your money depends upon it. Because it does.


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