
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

One Heartbeat Away (Audio) – Top Ten Reviews

Sep 9, 2024

Read All Reviews for One Heartbeat Away

“We listen to your CDs while we are driving. What a blessing. Every human being should get to hear One Heartbeat Away.

-Walt C.

“Just wanted you to know that I am on the road a lot. Every day, I listen to your audiobooks over and over. I am so fired up about sharing the information you have taught me and the proper way to present this information. I now have no interest in listening to music; I’m just interested in making an eternal difference. I feel like I am a part of your army, battling to save the lost.”

-Mark M.

“Thank you so much for making your audiobooks!!!! In two days, I have listened to all of One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven and most of One Heartbeat Away!!! I love them!!!! I love the content and the way you read!!!! So faith building!! The audiobooks alone, for me, have taken my passion for fulfilling Mark 16:15 from 75 to 99 percent. I am a carpenter by trade, but when I have half a chance, I go find people to share the good news with!”

-Daniel M

“Just listened to the whole audio book of One Heartbeat Away. What a blessing and encouragement. Listening again!

-Andrea R.

“Since reading your book, One Heartbeat Away, I have had a burning inside that won’t let me be still. I feel an urgency to share the gospel. It has given me even more of an eternal perspective than I had before. I’ve given several of the books away. I am constantly in prayer and looking for opportunities to share with someone.”

-K McDonald, 35
Stay-at-Home Mom

“I read through One Heartbeat Away in two days. Those days just happened to be right before our big evangelistic outreach for our youth ministry that we do several times a semester. I was so impressed with the logical progression of truth in it that I used the same approach and info in my message. There were 10 students that made first-time professions of faith! This is an incredible resource for anyone wanting a solid foundation from which to personally share their faith, and it is a great giveaway for the lost.”

-C Walker
Youth Ministry, Lubbock, TX

“I just finished reading your new book One Heartbeat Away: keep the presses running! This book is a must to have ready to give a person who is searching for the most important answer to Where will you be after you leave this planet? I was talking to a client the other day, and during the conversation, I asked him how things were going. He said, “Going? I died over the weekend!’ I said, “What do you mean?’ He said he had a heart attack and flat lined. He knew he had died, but they brought him back. I asked him, “Do you think God may have been giving you another chance?’ “Yes!’ he replied. I told my client that I was just finishing a book called One Heartbeat Away and considering what happened to him over the last weekend, I wanted to mail him a copy of the book. He said “Okay!’”

-R Brothers

“Having been raised in the Mormon cult, I’ve been searching for an effective witnessing tool to reach my family. Mark Cahill’s One Heartbeat Away is just such a tool! My Mormon parents were the first to receive a copy.”

-A Mehlisch, 43
Letter Carrier

“I love the way you put things, simple. This allowed me to give One Heartbeat Away to friends, both saved and those who are searching. I am sometimes so passionate about Christ that I intimidate people. But giving away this book helped me play the supportive role instead of the lead, something God has been working on with me since my conversion. Your book walks them right down the path and handles all the excuses, tangents, and questions. Thanks for planting the seed of the Word of God deep into friends of mine with your book. Now that my friends and I are closing in on 40 and have children who mean so much to us, we need to be able to answer the most important question there is: What happens after this? if for no other reason than to lead our children the right way, His way. Thanks for keeping it simple and on point. We all are One Heartbeat Away!”

-S Gallagher

“Thanks so much for the book One Heartbeat Away. I believed in God but could not really tell anyone why I believed. Your book answered a lot of questions that I had. Now, I can’t wait to share my faith with everyone. In fact, I just ordered more of your books to share with family and friends.”

-L Christman, 30