
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

5/10 – Part 1

Sep 9, 2024

Brian and I have had some good talks in this one coffee shop we’ve been meeting up at. He used to work there to earn a little extra money, but his real job was working in the financial sector. I would see him sitting at a table in this coffee shop as he did his work. He fascinated me because he almost always had two laptops in front of him! All I know is that all of us have too many devices. Two laptops for work?? Time for another job!

As I was talking with him one day, I encouraged him to read more. We have to build up and stretch our minds by reading good books.

I use this example with people all the time. I tell them, “A rubber band is the most useless creation of all time until you . . . what?” You would be amazed at how many people cannot answer that question! The answer is, “Stretch it!” Then I say, “Once you stretch it, you can do a gazillion things with it.” You can bundle your notecards together, tie your hair up, or keep your papers all together. It is actually one of the best inventions of all time. But it is only good once you stretch it.

So, I challenge people to stretch themselves. If all of your friends look like you, go find a friend with a different skin tone. If you eat the same food at the same restaurant all the time, try something different. If you only read fiction, read a non-fiction book, and vice versa. If you are an atheist, go visit the Christian club at college. See what they believe, and vice versa.

Genuine Encouragement

I recommended that Brian read one of my books. I walked away from the table, but by the time I got back, he had these big eyes and said, “Mark, you’ve got 5 out of 5 stars!” I didn’t know that. I also didn’t know that my mom knew how to use a computer so well that must have given her son a few extra stars!

Now, why didn’t I know about that rating? A few reasons. I don’t like going out on the internet to see what people have written about me or my books. It seems like the negative comments stick with you more than the positive ones do. Now, don’t get me wrong, because I do appreciate the encouragement.

But when it comes to my books and newsletters, I run them by a few people who know their Bibles well. I have a clear goal in mind with my writings and talks: They need to be biblically sound and glorify God. If they do, then it really does not matter what others think of them.

The opinions of man can be a trap. Why do we ever think they are important in life? But we do. We basically want people to like us and like the work we do. Encouragement and a pat on the back can go a long way in life. But then, sometimes, that negative comment can stick with us a lot longer than it should.

Jesus knows what is in the heart of man. Many times, people crave the admiration of others. It might feel good for a bit, but is it really totally necessary? The important thing is to keep yourself free to please the Lord.

John 12:42,43

Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:

For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

Yelped for the Right Reasons

What do you do if you own your own business? Simple. You use it to glorify the Lord! Why else would a Christian have a business? Yes, I know the other answers one could give to that question, but, truthfully, only what we do for the Lord is really going to matter in the end.

A friend of the ministry, Jon, is a great soul-winner. He loves to share his faith. God has also allowed him to have a physical therapy business. So is Jon a different man inside the clinic than he is outside the clinic? Nope! Jon is bold. Period.

He sent me an email about a review he received recently. He got a 5/10. My, my. I have so much to teach him! Wait a minute, though. Let’s see what that lady wrote after her first visit to his clinic:

“Christian music was playing the whole time I was there. Not everyone practices the same religion as you or has the same beliefs. I felt like your religious views were being forced on me with the constant music about Jesus and the religious items at the front desk. I almost walked out after sitting and listening to that for 30 minutes. I’m not sure if I will keep using your business because of this. I came there for medical treatment, not to attend your church.”

She gave him a “5 out of 10.” I went to Auburn, so I know an “F” when I see one!!

But what if she gave him a 5/10 but God gives him a 10/10 after He reviews it?

Matthew 5:10-12

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before.

Twists and Turns

But you have to know Jon. He is a nice guy. Shares his faith in a very friendly way, but he is serious. He knows Jesus is the only way for anyone to get to heaven, and he will not back down from that.

Well, that wasn’t the end of the email. Jon continued with the rest of the story:

“That is the kind of review I like to see! Those ‘religious items’ are Mark Cahill’s books and Bibles. I didn’t even meet her during that visit, but the atmosphere of the clinic impacted her. Surprisingly, or maybe not, she continues to come. And, by the will of God, she requested to switch to my schedule!”

What the Lord did in this situation is amazing. He really used Jon and wants to use you in the same ways. We just need to step out and step up, like Jon did, and meet these people where they are.

Until the nets are full,



P.P.P.S.  Roadside Ministry – What if you paid for a billboard sign next to a highway to help motorists start thinking about eternity? What if you set up a tent below that sign and along the side of the road for people to stop by and ask questions? Edsel decided to do just that and the Lord has really used his idea to reach people. He even got “Moses” to help him witness to the lost and encourage Christians! It’s a unique approach to reach people who might be on their way to somewhere. We want their destination to be heaven!

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