
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Paper Missionaries

Jul 6, 2024

We received this neat email from a great soul-winner friend of mine. She is 82 and finishing the race well!

I’m always amazed at how the Lord uses these wonderful ‘paper missionaries’!! I have a good puzzle for you about that.

“I was asked to go to a missionary conference in Asheville, NC, a while back. When I got there, they asked the missionaries to take a class for the Sunday school lessons. All the ladies’ classes were filled. They asked if I would be offended if they let me teach the children!! So, I had four classes of kids from 8-12. I took a handful of your tracts, Chick tracts, and a couple of others with me. I prayed and asked the Lord to let me be ‘clever’ because the kids don’t remember ‘normal’ very long!! Anyway, God gave me this riddle: What missionary has no eyes, no ears, no arms or legs, and no mouth but is able to get into more places than a human can? This missionary can be carried around by other humans and speak many different languages without going to school. 

“I set the timer for one minute… waited… could see their puzzled looks as they tried to figure it out. Minute up… went and got several of the tracts in different languages and showed them to them! I said, ‘The answer is “tracts” or “paper missionaries”!’

“The pastor called me when I got home and wanted to know what in the world I had done to those kids! He said, ‘They are passing out tracts like crazy!!’ I pulled a little ‘Samson’ on them with riddles!!” 

In Jesus,
Jo Anna

Paper missionaries are very, very important. God used one of those in my life years ago when someone handed me a tract as I was walking onto Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras in New Orleans. I can’t even tell you the number of people who have told me that a tract or a booklet radically changed their lives. God uses paper missionaries all the time. Are you going to be handing one out today?

Deuteronomy 32:3

Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. 

Mark 13:10

And the gospel must first be published among all nations.

Remember that we each have a pocket full of tickets to Heaven in our pockets, purses, and backpacks. The last thing we need are gospel tracts when we get to Heaven. So today would be a great day to hand a bunch of them out!

Until the nets are full,

P.S. Let’s have some summer fun! We just love the stories and pictures you send of people reading tracts. And we get a lot of feedback from the people you give them to. It’s such neat encouragement. The tract is what got them thinking, and the Holy Spirit is drawing them.

We typically think of a flood as a bad thing. Floods destroy so much in their wake. But what if a flood can be a good thing? What if you decide to flood the area you live in with gospel tracts? What if you flooded every gas station, restaurant, neighborhood, Fun Park, mall and shopping areas, and more with gospel tracts? Now that is the type of flooding we need!

To help you flood your area with eternal truth, the suggested donation of all our gospel tracts will be 25% off. Inflation is up, and tract prices are down. One of those I really like!!



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