I was out reading my Bible at Stone Mountain Park one day, when a truck pulled up next to me. The driver was one of the workers at the Park. I had witnessed to him and some of his friends a few months earlier and given them some books. As we started to converse, he...
The National Center for Life and Liberty (http://www.ncll.org/) is one of the groups that help assist Christians with legal matters that may arise as we stand up for Jesus Christ. I was reading a letter from them today, and noticed that it said some very interesting...
God provided another grand opportunity to speak to a Russian youth conference down in Florida. What a neat group of young people! Now most of them have grown up in the States, so they know English super well and are basically like American teens. What was interesting...
Driving back to various airports after my speaking engagements always proves to be an adventure during my travels. Not everything is laid out too clearly and in a lot of cases, a few more signs sure would help out and make things simpler! So as I was trying to get to...
Driving up to speak at a family camp recently, I was in the car with the man who ran the camp. We were talking about many of the topics that are currently affecting the church. Since he is a pastor, he is well aware of the issues that are affecting our congregations...