
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

Thank You, Pastors!

Thank You, Pastors!

I have been reading through the book of Jeremiah recently. I noticed that it mentions pastors a lot, and it got me thinking. A pastor is the shepherd over the flock. A shepherd is one that guides animals or in this case, people. A shepherd back in the day had a great...
Are Your Ears Itching Yet?

Are Your Ears Itching Yet?

As we head toward the fulfilling of the prophecies of the end times that the Bible predicts, one thing you have to ready for, watching for, and listening for are false teachers. These will be both religious people of other faiths, as well as people who will fall under...
What Will They Say About You?

What Will They Say About You?

It just seems that there is so much death around us. With the earthquake in Haiti, a freshman at the University of Georgia just died rock climbing, to actors and actresses dying, etc. But one that really got to me was the female lacrosse player that died at the...
Do Devils Speak Louder Than You?

Do Devils Speak Louder Than You?

Devils are a very real in the Bible: Leviticus 17:7  And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute for ever unto them throughout their generations. Interesting word usage here in the King James...
The Land of the Rising Sun

The Land of the Rising Sun

I know that many of you were praying for my trip to Japan. Thank you so much for the prayers! In some ways, I was really dreading the trip because of the long flights, etc. I haven’t traveled overseas in many years. It wound up being one of the best trips I have...