
Eternity is rushing towards us.
You and everyone else must be ready.

175 and Counting

Feb 26, 2024

Do you remember the newsletter about Pastor Gabe and how his church became a soul-winning church after an encounter I had with some of his youth? Here’s the link to check it out again. It is a very powerful story.


Well, Gabe sent me a follow-up email. Wow!


Thank you for sharing this with me. I’m humbled and blessed that you felt it was worth sharing and that others have been encouraged by it. This made my day. 

Although I’m a pastor of a local assembly, I strongly believe that Jesus did not die, raise up on the third day, and ascend to the right hand of the Father just so we could go to church. He did it so we could BE the church. I’ve been asking our congregation the question, “What if we could be known for more than what we do on Sundays for two hours? What if we were known by the impact we were making in our communities because of our daily activities around the Word, worship, and witnessing?”

Back in January, our team engaged over 175 people with the gospel just by going out for one hour a day. Today we broke up into two teams (only four of us total) and visited the Georgia State University Clarkston campus and the Somali shopping complex off Memorial Drive. We talked to about 14 people and shared the gospel. Some were believers that we encouraged, some were Muslims with whom we shared the need for atonement, some were agnostics, others believed in reincarnation, and some didn’t believe in anything. We asked each of them what they think happens after they die, and then we asked why they believe what they believe (we took this straight from your book). We then led the conversations to the issue of our sin and separation from God and the need for repentance and belief upon Jesus for the payment for our sins. Many walked away with some serious food for thought. Some even said they would look into the Scriptures and reconsider their belief system.

This practice has made more impact in our community than any other thing we’ve done, and it hasn’t cost us anything! It has become one of the main highlights of our day. 

Bless you, brother, for your ministry.

Pastor Gabe


Acts 1:8

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Remember, when it comes to handing out tracts and/or having conversations with lost people, the real key is to just get started! Yes, it is that simple. Don’t worry about nervousness or what they might say; just get started. Why? If you get started, you might not stop! One conversation becomes two, two becomes three, etc. But, if you aren’t witnessing, then Satan has you right where he wants you.

Satan doesn’t like Gabe or his church. That should be a goal for all of us. They engaged with 175 different folks. That is off the charts! Not only are they witnessing, but a lot more people are going to have a lifetime of being soul-winners for Jesus. The replication factor of their example and the ripple effect of the lives they touch will only be known on the other side in Heaven.

Time for all of us to pick up the pace. Me included.

Until the nets are full,

P.S. We all need reminders. Not a bad thing at all. Russell sent in this comment and picture about reminding others to reach the lost:

“Mark, I put this in my Sunday school class to remind us of what we need to be doing before Jesus comes to get us.”

We are all going to meet Jesus one day, and as believers in Him, it is our job to get people ready for that day.

If you haven’t watched the Pray for B.O.B. talk, I think you will like it. We get a ton of feedback on that message. Enjoy!


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